Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Now That Summer Has Settled Down ------

The best five words your local weather guy can say during Summertime? 

"The cold front is here."

Ooooo... Already my poor ol' head feels ten years younger and the varied, annoying tests of this summer no longer appear so trying. I hate that summer turns me into such a baby (oh, that we'd just have long Springtimes, instead!), yet most likely Summer is good for me-- certainly makes me rely upon God even more than usual and can that ever be a bad thing?

Anyway, low 70's all the rest of the week here and even in the 60's tomorrow. Whew. (Color me happy dancing and anticipating Heaven where we'll never have hot, humid Summers again!)

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”   ... Revelation 21:4


Speaking of that, I forgot to tell you that after Glen Campbell passed away, I listened to my favorite song of his from 30 years ago, a song which makes Today's worldly strife seem so petty. I cried a lot, mostly from being so thrilled for him, for in 2015, Tom and I watched Glen's documentary, I'll Be Me, at Netflix and felt like we'd actually met him. So now I'm celebrating that he's healed, has crystal-clear alertness, and is singing in a most glorious Heaven.

You may not have heard this incredible song before, so here you go --

No More Night

And I'm praying that all who read this blog would, also, have the assurance that they'll be spending eternity with God. As the verse below my blog header says--- Jesus answered, "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me."

Eternity is such a very, very long time.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.” 
― Erma Bombeck


Hobbit Cottage had needed a lavender plant for years so I finally bought a tiny one online weeks ago. I love to pinch lavender leaves after I've opened the garage door for Tom then sniff my fingers while stepping through the grass to the back door. 

Maybe Heaven (or parts of it) will smell a bit like lavender. Who knows?

(And now I'm considering gathering a little bunch and hanging it in my sweet tiny closet bedroom.)


And speaking of plants, here's an interesting article for anyone with a 'brown thumb'---

Five Outdoor Plants You Can't Kill

(And let me say from experience, plants like those can make anyone feel like a master gardener. Oh and add mint--but plant it in pots.)   😉



  1. We've been experiencing another heatwave this week. Today is supposed to be a bit cooler, in the upper 80s, but then back to the 90s again! I don't remember ever having the summer like this. A brutal winter and now we've had a brutal summer I certainly hope the next winter has it's happy boots on this year! Ha ha! It was sad to hear about Glen Campbell, but I'm also glad that he's healed now and in heaven. I can't wait for that day myself. I hope you have a lovely day my sweet friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Debra, this post was like a breath of fresh air. I listened to "No More Night" and was reminded of what really matters. It's easy to get caught up in everyday life, and sometimes life is hard, but we're not staying here forever. My spirit soared as I listened to those sweet words, " more pain" and I thank God for this promise He's given us. We are incredibly blessed!!


  3. I'm so with you about the summer ... I just can't take the heat. I tan easily and one would think that I've spent every single minute out in the sun but truthfully, I don't go out and stay in it if I can help it.

    I love the quote from Erma and am gonna put that in my Christian Travelers Notebook. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    We're to have upper 60's to low 70's for the next few days as well so needless to say, I'm happy as well. If only springtime was year-round, huh?! : )


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