Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gifts. Everywhere, Perfect Gifts.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."   ... James 1:17


You know how you can love a favorite author, actor or even friend then, whoa! They change, say/do things which shake and tumble them way down your Favorite People List?

Well, a dear friend informed me that a co-favorite author of ours has become all unglued and bitter (my words, not hers) especially since November's election, and not just about politics, either. 

It's discouraging (and a tad shocking) because her books promote peace, sweetness and gratitude.

Well, I realized something, though perhaps this is just for myself, ok? (You can take it or leave it.) 

In Today's volatile world, more than before, I will place God on a pedestal, but not even my 'Christian heroes'. I'll remember everyone, (even me), has a dark side. And I'll remind myself to view remarkable, creative gifts as coming from God, separately from the vessel through which they arrived.

The books which bless and teach me how to live and share? They arrived via 'the Father of the heavenly lights' who knew exactly when I needed them.

The artwork which inspires me and spins whimsical dreams inside my head? Ditto. From the God who knows what lightens my burdens.

The music which becomes my life's keep-your-heart-dancing soundtrack? Yes, from God, who led me to find splendid tunes.

This way, this view, will keep me calm. Forgiving. Free.

Let all the authors, painters and musicians go crazy/weird/angry(!) Oh, I'll pray for them, but Life will still shine because I saw the deeper purposes and the bigger God who handed me good and perfect gifts through imperfect vessels---and changed my life forever.

"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."  ... Romans 12:4-8

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."   ... Ephesians 4:32

Life is too short to live it with a sour heart.


Oh wow. This arrived yesterday---

---- a just-what-I'd-searched-for book, one which actually makes me anticipate winter when I'll snuggle upon the red couch with an afghan, hot chocolate and beautiful pages like these---

(If you're interested, some copies are a tad cheaper at Abebooks.)

Oh, and do any of you know of a similar author/artist (not counting Susan Branch, whose work I already know well)? I'd love to gather a couple more books like this one for the winter just down the road. You can leave me a comment here or at Facebook or at  Thanks!


And for my fellow thrift store treasure hunters, this was fun ---

7 Items You Should Never Pass Up At The Thrift Store



  1. So very well said. People I never would've expected it from have become "unhinged and unglued', since this past election. I have to constantly remind myself that we're all humans with human feelings and emotions. My sight needs to be fixed on the One who is in control of it all. Only He can give me perfect peace and comfort.

    That book looks fabulous. I think I'm going to go take a peek at it. I am not ready for the winter ahead. My body hasn't healed from the last one! I hope you have a lovely day my sweet friend.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  2. Guess what? I just ordered this book! Thanks!!!!!!

  3. Oh boy, last fall, one of my favorite authors had a big rant on her blog after the election and I was so sad for days. Thanks for the new book recommendation. I will have to look for it. It looks a lot like Susan Branch's work. ☺

  4. I know what you mean...I have a favorite author whom I follow and she's really struggling with our current administration. I still treasure her books, but when I don't read her posts when they're negative. Usually the title lets me know where she's headed. There have been times in my life when I allowed disappointments to bring me down, too, and I truly hope she can rise above this hurdle. On a lighter note, I have gradually purchased all of Susan Branch's cookbooks (most were gently used) and her recipes are very good! They are packed with her wonderful artwork and whimsical sayings. She's a bright light in our world!

  5. My library doesn't have the book you mentioned, but when I put the author's name in the search, up came two other books by her. They are both on order and I am excited to read them. Thanks for your positive encouragement, Debra!

  6. God on a pedestal! Yes!
    Where have I been? (Meaning "why have I not discovered you before now?")


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