Tuesday, August 01, 2017

My New Sign and A Variety of Happy Things

Oh! My sign from Etsy arrived and I am thrilled --

And how wonderful to feel a creativity boost/fix while hanging it. It's hard to be creative in this little, I've-already-decorated-it house, yet it's all the sweeter when I finally discover a new, pleasant idea.

Now if this sign will just keep the adult solicitors away, all shall be well.  ðŸ˜‰


So why did no one tell me about Swallows and Amazons? Hmm? (Perhaps with so little advertising none of us heard about it.) 

Anyway, what a lovely film, one which both Tom and I enjoyed On Demand last Saturday. This adventurous movie has something for everyone--check out the trailer here.


Oh, and this quote, below, was awesome and still timely (and I hope no one will be all, like, "But what about the husband's responsibility?"). Just enjoy it for the hope it brings, hope that--although the world out there is rough--we still can create a bit of heaven via how we choose to live and imagine within our own homes--


Here's a cool photo of Naomi and her boyfriend playing at one of Buffalo's outdoor venues. Notice the tall, old houses in the background--I've lived here 24 years and still am blown away by the feeling of history everywhere. 


Loved what my buddy, Dolores, shared at Facebook --

Sounds like simple, logical truth to me.  ðŸ˜…


While perusing local real estate online this morning, I glimpsed this adorable half-bath. Just thought I'd share its coziness with you--


One last thing --

Needing some quiet and rest and centering today? This lovely blog post will help.

And until next time, enjoy your unique, God-given life, ok? 💜

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."   ... John 10:10



  1. Lovely post, Debra. Reminding us to think on the lovely things, the good things,etc. And...you linked to one of my favorite blogs, Jenny of Elfantz. I have been reading her for years. I love her embroidery and have stitched many of her designs. Have a beautiful day!

  2. I love your cute little sign and how it looks on your door. I laughed out loud at the sign about too many books or not enough bookshelves. That applies in our house but not only with books, also with yarn. I have a set of shelves I store my yarn on and it's completely overflowing. I spent the last day and a half rearranging and relocating some of it. My wonderful husband is even offering to build me more shelves! Now that's love! Have a lovely day my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. As always, your posts are right on target and yes, it seems ALWAYS timely! : )

    Love the pic with the quote on it, thanks so much for sharing it.

    Have a nice day, friend!

  4. Thanks, Robin! And it was because of one your 'likes' on Facebook that I discovered Jenny's post so thanks for that, too! I need to add her blog to my blogroll because it looks awesome.

    Betsy--oh! More yarn shelves. Sounds like an awesome plan to me! Can never have too many shelves, right? :)

    Debi--glad you liked that quote! I found it an encouraging reminder that we can still make a difference in today's world. So happy this was timely for you!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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