Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Fleas and Aprons and Toothpaste, Oh My!

“Do your best and let God do the rest.”    ― Ben Carson


Did I mention our little flea infestation? No, probably not. It's not a cool thing to share, certainly. Sigh.

In July, Carpet Cleaner Guy told me, "Our last job was a huge, terrible mess." He shook his head, I shook mine and said something like, "Hmm. That must've been rough."

Well, they used top-notch equipment, our carpet looked awesome, but the next day? Tom and I began swatting at fleas. Bap! Bap! "We usually don't have this many," I told him, slapping at a flea on my sock. "Maybe all the vacuuming and cleaning stirred up dormant eggs, or something."

It's weird, but not till days later did I recall that, "... huge, terrible mess," remark. Uh-oh. They must have carried in fleas on that new-fangled equipment (which doesn't get drained like usual) and upon their clothes.


Well, no one hates tiny bugs more than Tom, (a major reason we moved from the farm? I could no longer handle his insect aversion.), so he began ordering flea traps online. At first I complained about stepping over all those lighted contraptions, but soon I realized we had a real problem here.

Those traps were attracting and killing hundreds of fleas. 

Good grief. Never, ever have we battled this many fleas. And yes, we could choose to have the house sprayed, but no. Two cats live here and two people who despise pesticides.

Fortunately, the traps work awesomely, especially this kind, of which we have three--


But these past weeks of slapping, pinching and rolling fleas off my socks (to watch them often fly away afterward--what are they made of, anyway?) have presented me with choices--

Will I view this small problem as a huge one?
Will I use up mental energy concentrating upon it?  Let it steal my sleep?
Will I worry about our cats?
Will I let these annoying bugs and bites discourage me?


Will I do the best I can to address the problem--then move on?

Distractions. They're sent to test our determination, fortitude and our desire to obey the latest thing God's got us doing.

Like, God's been nudging me back to creativity for months and I'm determined to follow Grace around today, in peace, while being creative in all my housekeeping endeavors--and not wasting hours fretting about these annoying fleas.

Amen.  😉

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."   ... Hebrews 12:1


Hooray! Yesterday my Ebay red and yellow aprons arrived and now the backdoor hooks have that Daisy Cottage feeling (or something close. heh.) --


Oh, and do you recall my post where I mentioned buying a natural whitening toothpaste from a friend of a friend? My teeth really are whiter now, reminding me of when I was a young thing way-back-when.  😃

Well, now you can read about this toothpaste for yourself and even contact Marilyn if you're interested in trying it out. Here's her information ---

Thanks to my friend, Marilyn Robinson, I found an AMAZING yet simple oral care product.😃
Whitens your smile AND ELIMINATES PLAQUE build-up!!

🚫No Bleaches or Harsh Chemicals⚗️
🚫No Sugar
🚫Not Damaging to Enamel
🚫Gluten Free
✅Gentle on Sensitive Teeth😬
✅Safe for Children & Pregnancy 👼🏼
✅Amazing 4 Wine, Coffee, & Nicotine Stains 🍷 ☕️ 🚬
✅Whitens Caps & Veneers 😁
🌟🌟This patented formula contains a gentle mineral derivative that helps to remove build up. 🌟🌟Contact Marilyn at marilyn.robinson76@gmail.com or text her at 916-712-6980. Thank you.

(I'll also share this information at Facebook today.)

(Oh, and these are not Debra's teeth, lest you wondered.) 😉



  1. Oh my goodness Debra! Just reading this post had me slapping and scratching my legs! I am so sorry you had to deal with this. It did make me think though, because I do tend to spend too much time worrying about things I can't control instead of doing what I can and moving on. Thank you yet again for another thoughtful post. I'm glad you have your flea problem under control now.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. Oh my...to think you actually paid for those fleas!! Some days it's really hard to take what comes our way. Don't you wonder how many other unsuspecting patrons have been victims of fleas from your carpet cleaners? I've also heard of pets bringing fleas home after a trip to the vet. Never a dull moment in this life! So glad you Tom spotted those flea traps.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.