Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Prayer Which (Nearly) Always Gets Answered

If you've read here long you might recall my Restore Unto Me The Joy of __________ posts. In fact, here's one.

Those  Restore Unto Me Prayers! They always seem to work. Simple prayers like, "Restore unto me the joy of ---

... cooking dinner.
... dusting. Vacuuming. Washing clothes.
... keeping up the yard.
... giving. Doing what I must. Blogging. 
... exercising. Writing. Reading. 

Seems even before I step away, poof! The joy, the inspiration to do good is back.

That is, unless I'm still sulky in heart, preferring to cling to recent unfairness. You know, like how certain dreams just aren't happening and probably never will so why even try?

Go playing the resentment card and uh-oh, answers to Restore Unto Me Prayers start crawling like snails. I've noticed when I hold onto pouting, I let go of fun and invite a type of grey boredom, instead.

And who wants that? What kind of a pouting disappointment is worth losing ones peace and energy? 

What I want, instead, is this --

" ... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..."   ... Hebrews 12:1

--and God, always, is standing there, waiting, to help me.

Whew. (Now, if I can just remember, every time, to ask for that help.)


Speaking of prayer, if you're into praying for cats I'd appreciate it if you'd pray for our big black Sammy. He'd been losing weight so Naomi took him to the vet for us and well, he has thyroid issues. I'm giving him his pills and other med.'s but he still looks bad and I'm having to discipline my mind not to let this darken my whole world. Sammy's nearing 14 years old. Sigh.



While browsing local real estate (just for fun! Relax.), I saw this second story bedroom with a great old-fashioned vintage vinyl floor cloth--

Nifty, right? And did you know they still make and sell these today? They're probably made differently, but I found it cool that they're still around.


Oh, and recently, Tom and I watched 5 Flights Up. Have you seen it? I really enjoyed it, probably because of my constant interest in houses and decorating and HGTV. Check out the trailer here to see if you might like it, also.



  1. Of course I'll pray for Sammy. Mandy's dog Polly has thyroid issues too. It's amazing the difference medication has made. I hope that is the case with Sammy too.

    I guess I haven't been reading your blog long enough to know about your "restore unto me" posts, although I am forgetful enough it's possible I did read it!!! But I find it very inspirational. I thank you for that suggestion and I will try to incorporate it into my life.

    I hope you're having a most wonderful day my friend.
    Many blessings always, Betsy

  2. Hi Debra! Prayers for your cat and a hug for you. Thank you for the movie recommendation. It looks good. I am going to look for it today.

  3. Ken and I loved 5 Flights Up! One of those movies I could have watched several times! I loved their apartment! :) And so sorry to hear about your kitty. Prayers going up.

  4. Debra, just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for Sammy as well. (Hugs)


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