Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Can You Believe It? Thirteen Years Blogging.

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."   ... Colossians 3:23


Thirteen years and approximately 3,400 un-reposted posts later, I'm still writing to you my 'letter to the world' (as Emily D. put it). That's probably 6,000 type-written pages chronicling my adventures with God, Grace, marriage, motherhood, houses, farm-life, cats, apartment-living, decorating, books, neighborhood walks, estate sales, train rides, daily joys and struggles. 

And lessons--oh, the lessons one learns over 13 years.

Also, today I'm thanking those of you consistently read here, yes, but especially those of you who 'go deeper,'  fishing between my lines for the important thoughts floating behind my simple words and stories. To those of you who not only 'get me,' but who understand that, really, following some of these lessons might just possibly lead to a wonderful, contented life.

One more thing. A dear friend said in an email--

"When I read your blog, you make me feel important, rather than the dopey house frau that so many like to put down."

Wow. Could I receive a better compliment? Perhaps not, for I truly believe--

The dusting, vacuuming, cleaning which must be done over and over;
The caring, the loving, the apologies;
The gardening, the laundry, the errands;
The shopping, the learning, the growing in Grace, contentment and acceptance of what cannot be changed (and changing what can);

---It all matters. It's all important. Everything we place into a day means something to God and will--somehow-- touch even our lives in Heaven.

And may this blog continue to spread these lessons like seeds upon good, fertile ground over more happy years to come.

"Life is a lot more interesting if you are interested in the people and the places around you. So, illuminate your little patch of ground, the people that you know, the things that you want to commemorate. Light them up with your art, with your music, with your writing, with whatever it is that you do." 

---Alan Moore


Wait! Don't go yet.

In honor of my blogiversary, I'll be giving away two $25 gift cards from Amazon.com to two readers whose names I'll choose from a vintage felt hat.

To enter the drawing, please leave a comment here, below, or at Facebook (more than a 'like', please, just during this drawing) or by emailing me at GladOne4@yahoo.com. Don't be shy! Just do it.

I so enjoy these give-aways, dare I say even more than those who happily win them.

I'll hold the drawing tomorrow (7/26) at 3:00 pm e.s.t. Please feel free to enter, even if you've won a previous drawing!


Ooooo. The gift for my 13th blogiversary? A cool September-like morning which poof! Made me feel 70 years younger. (Heh. Read my last post.)

Oh, how 62 lower-humidity, breezy degrees can lift ones perspective and remind her that Life (with God) is--still--wonderful.



  1. Your blog has been a continuous source of inspiration for me. I'm so glad to have met you on your lovely blog. Happy Bloggiversary! May there be many more!

  2. Happy blog anniversary! It's a pleasure and a joy to read here. I've enjoyed reading you over the years and getting to know you in your little corner of the world. ☺ Thanks for sharing your wisdom and kindness!

  3. Debra,
    I have read your blog for a long time. I find it very interesting to see how different we are in how we approach things. I love that you are so willing to share your life with those of us who are your readers. God uses us in different ways and certainly He is using you through this blog. Happy blog anniversary!

  4. Happy, happy anniversary to you Debra! You brighten my life each time I visit you or you visit me on our blogs. And I find myself agreeing with quite a lot of what you say. Yes, the world does tend to put us house fraus down doesn't it? However, that old saying, "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world", has a lot of truth in it. To me, as someone who has been full time in the workforce and someone who is now full time at home, I find no greater calling than being a housewife. I absolutely love it. I actually find myself interacting with people more now online and in person then I did when I sat in my office by myself all day typing away on the computer. You are a very special blessing to me and I wish you many more years writing your blog and imparting wisdom to the world.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  5. Happy, happy anniversary from a middle aged little girl who likes your style!

  6. A wonderful anniversary to celebrate, Debra! I don't know if I've followed you for all 13 years, but quite a few of them. Your authenticity and your attitude are always a blessing to me! Here's to at least 13 more years! :)

  7. where did that time go? when we were still young chicks learning lessons?!!! i started blogging in october (13 years then for me) ... and i think we were already blog buds by november ... what a blessing you've been ... and BE blessed today! big (hugs) ...

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    You have always helped me see things clearer. Deeper. Thirteen years...Wow! ;-) I don't know if I read your blog that first year or not. Through time I have gone back through the early years posts to gleam more. You are so real. Happy anniversary! Thank you for being there writing your thoughts and iso bringing us closer to God. Sarah

  9. Happy Blog Anniversary! I always love coming here and reading your words of wisdom and also always feel uplifted when I leave. Thanks so much for being faithful and sharing of yourself with us. : )

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hello! I just found your blog thru a friend's blog. I'm so glad I did! Lovely!

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Debra, Have you clicked on Mrs. N and gone to her blog? ..this one she stops and goes on to a word press one you can click on...but it is very interesting...her life as a foreigner in Japan. Such a community we have here... so many interesting lives. Sarah


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.