Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Worlds And Welcome To Them

"We are limited only by our own imagination."  ... copied


After my last post, does anyone want examples of what I meant by 'creating my own worlds'?

Above, you have my Front Porch World. On rare, not-frigid winter mornings I venture out here with a book, for the sun's warmth bounces off the concrete like a promise that yes! Spring will return and so will long reading hours outside.

Some promises are unspoken--you just have to slow down and tune your ears toward finding encouragement rather than things gone wrong.

Here's my Prayer Garden World. Oh my, if this was all the yard I had, it would be enough. Sometimes I sit in the chair, but usually I place the cushion on the lawn and, with books beside me, play picnic and being a young woman again.

And I lift my face to the sun and dream and let gratitude well-up within me for this quiet, whimsical, semi-hidden, private world of mine.

Another favorite world?  My Closet Bedroom World.

Of all the rooms I've decorated in 38 years of married life, this wins all prizes. Each night before switching off the lamp, I stare at these shelves, wallpaper, books and pictures and feel sweet contentment.

Other worlds I've created?  My--

Blogging World
Family and Friends World
Book Collection World
Retro Music With Aprons and Vintage Magazines World
Stocking a Deep Pantry For The End Of The World World  😉

And who is the light and warmth and joy of these worlds? God, Himself. None of my worlds would spin upright or comfort me without Him.

I feel sorry for people without hope, a sense of humor or an imagination. Those who believe the chaotic, filled-with-arguments, 2017 world out there is the only one. Oh dear! No, the best worlds are those born inside hearts, worlds which become so huge that they burst! 

... and then become cozy, but strong refuge places for the rest of our journey on the way to Heaven, the most perfect world of all.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” 
― Albert Einstein

Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”   ... John 8:12


And of course, a special nod to James Thurber for today's title (though tweaked by me).




  1. Just lovely, Debra. Spring is such a magical time of year.

  2. I love this Debra. I especially love how you sit on the lawn and be refreshed next to your garden. I agree with you. This 2017 world is crazy with so much negativity. I don't want any of that. I prefer to feel God's peace within me and that way I can share His love with others I may meet.
    Have a lovely, sweet day my friend.

  3. a beautiful post Debra !

  4. You have created a lovely haven for yourself and Tom. This morning, as I listened to the news, I turned to your post and had a "Calgon take me away" moment. Thanks, Debra.


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