Friday, May 19, 2017

Details, Details.

Just for fun on this Friday, ok?

1.) Saw this local house for sale online last week. Isn't it adorable?

*Finally* houses in our area are rising in price. This one is $147,500, which sounds cheap to some, but when you've lived here for 24 years you can't help but remember how real estate used to be.  😌 

2.) Here are a couple lines from a recent obituary from my old hometown in CA --

"Doris loved dancing, family, music, parties, ukulele, hula, adventures, camping, gardening, animals, writing, coconut ice cream and beer.
Doris passed away at Dixie Canyon on April 11, 2017. At Doris’ request, there will be a celebration of life consisting of “music, dance and merriment” on July 8 at Dixie Canyon. “My life has been a great celebration and so it should end in the same manner.”

3.) Attention Gilmore Girls fans! Most likely, you'll enjoy this (wow, what a rabid fan, indeed!)-- 

4.) So to delay a visit to Home Depot as long as possible, I've been ordering things, here and there, online. Well, at Ebay I found 250 catnip seeds for only $1.95 with free shipping. Don't you love discovering cheapo deals like that online? She even has Buy 2 Get 1 Free offers on her other seeds. Sweet.
The seeds arrived in a regular white envelope with this so-cute bag inside --

5.) Someday Tom and I would love to travel Route 66, preferably on a bus tour from Chicago where someone else does all the driving/planning/thinking for us. We even toy with the idea of living someday in a hilly, evergreen-tree-like place we saw on this episode of Hotel Impossible then taking side trips on our own.
Anyway, for the meantime, I ordered this awesome Route 66 book stuffed with history and photos. So cool! Almost like you are there --

6.) Would you like to see a photo of my sleeping pills? --

 I take three 'pills' before bedtime. Now, three fresh slices of banana are even better, but these work when fresh isn't available. Really, they help me sleep better, they, and the minimum dose of Melatonin.
7.) Oh, and two best things from my Stocking a Pantry research? 
a.) Canned potatoes, whole or sliced. Man, these things are convenient. They don't spoil or grow roots inside my cupboard and poof! Instantly they're ready for potato salad, fried potatoes or however else you wish to use them (though I've never tried mashing them).
b.) Spam (yes, Spam). I recalled my mom used to cook Spam with crushed pineapple, so I tried it myself, and oh! Even better than I remember. Lately I've made it once a week with perfect-tasting sides of mashed potatoes and canned cut green beans.
Here, roughly, is the recipe --
One regular-sized can Spam, sliced into 1/2 inch-thick slices.
One medium-sized can crushed pineapple.
1/4 cup brown sugar (or to taste)
1/4 tsp. powdered cloves (or to taste)
Add 1 tbl. oil to frying pan and 1 tbl. butter. When melted, add slices of Spam and heat just till heated through. Spread crushed pineapple on top, adding, oh maybe 1/8 cup of the juice from the pineapple. Spread the brown sugar evenly on top, then spread the powdered cloves. Cover, then heat till everything is hot, about 3 minutes (don't over cook or it'll become rubbery and you'll hate me. heh.)
That's it! And yes, I realize I'm taking a chance y'all will think I'm crazy. But really, Tom and I both enjoy this and that's saying a lot since Tom normally won't even touch any meat with a fruit sauce.
8.) And lastly, was anyone else horrified by the season-endings of Chicago Med and Criminal Minds (which, for the record, cut out the majority of gruesomeness of recent seasons)? Oh, and ack! Chicago Fire, too--the worst ending of all! (Just now watched it.) My, my, my. Torture that they're making us wait four months to discover what happens next!  😏

Have a wonderful weekend! (And color me grateful that we've cooled down 20 degrees after two hot-too-soon days. Whew.)



  1. I love you Debra, but I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you about Spam. I have a spam filter on my mouth. It works better than the one on my computer! Ain't none of that stuff getting though it!
    But, more power to you!

  2. Ha Judy! But have you tried it this way? Hmmm? My Spam memories from childhood weren't great, so that's why I waited these 38 years to cook it (!). So really, color me surprised that I like it as much as I do. Hey, you never know. (Love you, too) :) Blessings, Debra

  3. Hubby loves Spam, so maybe I will make this for him. Tomorrow is supposed to be much cooler here in Philly. Three days in the low nineties is more than enough. Right now I am off to lunch with my daughter. It's my Mother's Day lunch because she forgot to make a reservation for Mother's Day. Yay, no crowds.

  4. Dolores--I hope your lunch was great--and uncrowded. :) That's a great idea to go there later. Oh, and if your hubby loves Spam, he'll most likely enjoy it cooked this way. Well, if he likes pineapple, too. :) So glad your weather is also cooling! Blessings, Debra

  5. That house is so cute. Spam and canned potatoes, two things I haven't had in years, and handy to keep in your pantry.

  6. Terra--I'm glad you also like that house! It almost looks like it belongs in a fairy tale or something , right? Oh, and believe it or not, I'd never used canned potatoes until I began learning to become a prepper back in 2015. They really are so convenient and I love that they don't spoil down in my cupboards. :)
    Blessings, Debra

  7. What a fun, fun post today. I laughed my way through it. We love spam at our house. It's a "go to" convenience food. We put brown sugar on it and heat it up. I so enjoyed my visit with you my friend.

  8. And I thought I was a avid Gilmore Girls fan! I love the storybook house you showed, wish I could see inside but maybe it's better to furnish it in my mind. I hope you do get to travel Route 66 someday. I love traveling off interstates and we've often traveled state roads when we can.

  9. Love Doris's obituary! And that house is Hansel-and-Gretel charming!

  10. Another great post, Debra! Made me smile. I grew up eating Spam, too. I remember liking it warmed in bbq sauce, then eating it like a sandwich. I haven't bought it in years, but ought to keep it in my pantry. Wish I'd had the chance to know Doris...I think she'd have made me smile,too.

  11. Betsy--I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I always love to make people smile.

    Dewena--so happy you enjoyed the cute house! I shared some inside photos in my later post today. They did a great ob, imo, of updating things. Isn't it fun traveling lesser-known roads?

    Deb--thanks for letting me know you enjoyed Doris' obituary. She seemed like quite a gal. :) Hope you enjoy the inside of the cute house in the next post!

    Pam--oh! Spam with bbq sauce. Hmm... If I try it, I'll let you know--sounds interesting! Glad you also enjoyed Doris! She sounded like a happy person to have around.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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