Monday, January 30, 2017

Hairy Outside, But Peaceful Inside.


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."    ... John 16:33


Monday morning and the sun's gleaming off tiny, sparkly snowflakes, votives burn in our fireplace and easy-listening music wafts on the air while Daniel and Sammy The Cats lay, napping.

The Country may be chaotic right now, but our home and hearts remain calm because Tom and I choose peace, instead. And I'll announce here that we'll not be taking part in the Fight Every Single Decision President Trump Makes protests.

Uhm, no.

Rather, like Jesus' mom, Mary, we'll 'ponder these things in our heart.' Then pray. Then believe God's answering our prayers. And we'll stay calm because Wisdom does that, you know, so it can hear explanations better in silence. 

And then, hopefully, we'll understand before speaking. And moving-on.


For my kindred spirits only ---

Here's a local house for sale, built in 1929 (only $39,900, but in a so-so, dare-I-say-dicey? neighborhood) and it has an inglenook!

 Wow. Of the hundreds of local houses I've viewed online, this may be a first. Be still my inglenook-loving heart!

Also, there's a darling entryway with a coat closet(!) --

A pretty bay window  ---

A built-in hutch --

And a you-can't-help-but-smile kitchen, with a transom window, even--

There's an enclosed porch and a large garage, but only two bedrooms.

 Oh well. Tom and I really enjoyed perusing the photos of this one and it made me think that, perhaps, it's not that I long for a colonial, but a house with original makes-me-swoon built-ins.


But whatever, how wonderful (I often think) that Today we can peek inside hundreds of old houses anytime via the Internet. Remember the days when we'd all drive past houses and only wish we could see inside? 

Some things do change for the better, you know. May we never allow the arguing crowds out there to make us forget that.


Need to watch a tv show where people are being good to each other? I recommend Undercover Boss. It's still currently on (CBS) and you can also watch older episodes at Netflix. 

I often watch it -- and always cry at the end! :)



  1. Love this post. I agree wholeheartedly about pretty much everything! About praying about the state of our world and being nice. And I really like the pictures of that house. It's too bad it's in a "dicey" neighborhood as you say.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. You always select verses that bolster my faith. Thanks, Debra! This world often makes my head spin--not good for a gal who's dizzy in the first place. Enjoyed the house pics--esp liked the house in the dicey neighborhood--adorable.

  3. Thanks so much, Ladies, for your encouraging words and letting me know you're on the same page. I'm grateful we can, online, 'live in the same neighborhood' and share good things with each other!

    Blessings, Debra


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