Saturday, January 28, 2017

Celebrating and Feeling Marvelous!

Boy, there are some bad online reviews for taxi's out there, but I asked God to help me choose a reliable one so I'd arrive at the oral surgeon's on time.

He did.

With no snow anywhere, we made it easily and the driver said he hoped the dentist would be gentle. The oral surgeon told me I had wonderful hair (then shared with his helper and me how he lost all his at 32), then he must have shot me up with a ton of caffeine. 

Ever since losing that tooth, I've felt giddy.

But oh dear. It did take forever to yank it out. Twenty minutes (more?) of actual pulling and etc. Someone gently placed her hands on my head to reassure me (an angel?) and the surgeon, when he'd finished, stared and said, "Wow. That's some strong jawbone. It must always be a struggle for you."

With a crooked smile from the gauze in my numbed mouth, I said, "I forgot to warn you about that." Over the years, all my dentists say that. (Killer bone density, I'm thinking.).

But you know the wonderful thing about pain, right? After it leaves, suddenly Life feels marvelous. And glorious-with-God, fun, joyful and an adventure.

You vacuum, dust and empty the trash with glee. You know, now that your strength and desire to clean has returned.
All the best times you've ever experienced return on a wave of gratitude.
Anticipation and hope for good days ahead bubbles over.

At least, that's how it's been for me. Oh, this feeling good again! Hooray, woo-hoo and hallelujah--and may I never, ever let this overflowing gratitude trickle away again. 

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."   ... Romans 15:13


Thanks so very much for your prayers!

"Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It's the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps."       ----- Sharon Draper


Pretty exciting times these days, politically, right? Wow. Interesting stuff and so much to keep praying about!


Awww... R.I.P. Barbara Hale, the one and only Della Street from the Perry Mason series. I'd see her in interviews and she'd always remind me of my grandmother---very kind, sweet.

Good for her to live so very long!


                      And hooray for the March For Life yesterday!



  1. Glad to read you are doing better, Debra. My daughter, Rachel was at the march yesterday. She lives in Alexandria,VA and was able to take a bus in with her husband. She said it was amazing.

  2. Thank the Lord your extraction went well! So glad it's over.

  3. I'm so glad that it's all over and done for you and went "fairly" well. I heard great things about yesterday's march too. Very peaceful and yet got the point across. Please take care of yourself and rest.

  4. I'm so happy to know that it all went well and you're now, pain free. Yay!! : )

  5. Thanks so much, Everyone, for your concerns and well wishes about my tooth extraction! I appreciate your kindness and comments so much. Blessings, Debra


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