Friday, December 02, 2016

Thumbing My Nose at Procrastination

(My friend, Susan, said she saw this print and suddenly Gladys Taber's December chapters sounded tempting. I agreed.)


Finally I painted our other kitchen dresser and then super-finally replaced the 60-year-old cheap, broken drawer pulls (these things take time). 

Of course, you're supposed to remove the old pulls first, but they were so old, so wonky, and I knew I'd be discouraged after spending all that time. So I painted, let it dry, then whacked away at the old pulls and replaced them with these which make me so happy I can't even tell you.

(Ignore the parts I must touch-up.)

And well, this little project should've been done only 20 years ago.  (Good grief.) But then, the pulls would've been different back then and not these that, frankly, I stare at because of their beauty ('eyes of the beholder' and all that).

Oh, and over at Ebay I'd not found quite the right reproduction sign for our kitchen, that is, until I spied this one and immediately zoomed back to childhood:

The image, color, size--all were perfect.

How satisfying to actually do what one has procrastinated for eons. All it requires is taking that wild first step. Imagine.

And oh, the sunshine pouring in our windows lately! It may be cold out there (40's), but just give me sunny windows and I'm fine. Which reminds me, you'll not hear me complaining about winter these next months. After our hottest July and August? No way. I'm just gonna sit here like a contented girl and read and feel grateful that it's cold and not hot. 

Yes Ma'am.   :)


The view from here at my desk:

And if I s-t-r-e-t-c-h a bit, I see this:


Oh, and here's an odd story (and photos) which my friend, Terri, shared with me at Facebook. Kind of Twilight zone-ish, but oh so cool!


"Just do it."

"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."   ...Proverbs 13:4


Here's a local house for sale:

Isn't it cute?



  1. Your new dresser and sign will pretty up your kitchen beautifully. We've had a week of gray days. I don't mind the cold, but no sun gets a bit depressing. And it's snowing now! Ick! Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  2. Love the old-time picture under your title. It brought back sweet memories of my childhood. We lived in a rural, woodsy area, and we always trudged for what felt like hours, looking for the perfect tree. Isn't it wonderful how a picture can take us back over the decades, and put a smile on our faces? Thanks, Debra!

  3. Wow - you "may" have me beat to get a project done that you should've been done 20 years ago. lol Seriously, I procrastinate WAY too much. Your dresser looks fabulous and isn't it amazing how a little paint and some new handles can totally transform things? : )

    Loved the Sunbeam bread picture ... it brings back memories to me of my step-mom telling us kids that when she was young that they had a contest for finding a Little Miss Sunbeam. She would have won but that day she ended up with a cold sore and so didn't come in first place.

  4. Oh Betsy! I hope you're getting bright sunshine streaming through your windows right this minute. :) Thanks for your kind comments about my recent purchases. I'm enjoying them still so much.

    Pam--so happy that you enjoyed that old-fashioned painting! The moment I saw it at Facebook I knew it needed to be shared there and here. :)

    Debi--I really appreciate your nice words about the dresser! I still keep staring at the drawer pulls--yes, I love them that much. :) And what a cute story from your step-mom! Those contests were so popular back then and everybody wanted to have their children's faces remembered for years and years to come by the big world out there. Fun!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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