Sunday, December 04, 2016

Revisiting Some Drama 'Round Here

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."   ... John 14:27


A favorite post from May of 2015, one which I'm thinking is timely, given Today's world and all  --------

So late Sunday afternoon I stepped outside to my Prayer Garden, sat back in my wicker chair, squinted into the sky and, with a book upon my lap, imagined happy things.

Then suddenly some Hell's Angel poster boy (complete with leather vest and beard), began taunting our neighbor, 'George', from the street. "Come on out, George! Are ya afraid, Georgie? Come out of there, Georgie!"

Oh dear. Tom and I think George is terrific, but obviously Biker Guy doesn't. 

Calmly, I gathered my books and stepped back into the house, closed and locked the door and complained to Tom about how I simply must sit outside earlier because late afternoons bring out the loonies. Then I went to the kitchen window while explaining what had happened and watched Biker Guy still threatening George until he walked around the corner and disappeared.

Soon after, George came from his house, got into his truck, revved the engine, then drove around the same corner. Then, because I'm nosy-as-all-get-out, I climbed the stairs to my bedroom window, but couldn't see anything except for a neighbor who must have called the police because a patrol car drove up, slowly, after all the action.


The following night, I got up to feed the cats at the ungodly hour of 1:00 a.m. and noticed George's brother's truck beside his, as though he was spending the night (for protection?). He's never there that late. Then last night just as I fell asleep, suddenly a car horn blared long while it drove past the side of George's house, then again as it passed the front (I saw when I stepped to the window).

Grow up, people. Just grow up.

Yet in the middle of all this drama I've often recalled a line from Simple Abundance which went something like this:

"When it's 2:30 in America, in England it's 1934."

Why that line? Because yesterday while my easy-listening songs wafted everywhere and I swept my kitchen floor, dusted the fireplace, watered my strawberry plants outside, fed the birds and transplanted forget-me-nots into the flowerbed beneath the crab apple tree, my brain thought this:

"When it's crazy-world 2015 in Debra's neighborhood, at Hobbit Cottage it's still 1934."

And it is. Here, within my house and heart, Life is serene and surrounded by green, growing things. Here inside, there are aprons, 1930's magazines, Fiestaware and love and the type of peace which God brings after you let Him haul away your own personal drama because you wanted something incredibly better, stronger, instead.

A peace which no one can steal unless you go all I'm-only-a-victim wimpy and let them just carry it away. But if we have God, we need not do that. Ever.

" ... but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."... John 16:22


It's possible to create a life which no one can take from you. Seriously.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  ...   John 16:33

(Back here in December of 2016------Gee, I look at these photos and yearn for Springtime. Uh-oh. I'd better go into waiting patiently mode or it'll make for one long winter!)



  1. Brilliant!!! ( I'm longing for spring too.)

  2. Debra

    I must tell bring me peace through your blog when I cannot find it in any other place. Because of you I am making it over the hurdle I am going through now. Love to you and yours I wish we lived close enough to have lunch and I would sure buy yours. Thank you again for bringing your blog into my home to give me peace.

  3. Thanks, Betsy, and oh my... doesn't Spring seem so very far away? Guess we'll have to make certain we keep it blooming within our hearts, right? :)

    Oh Rita--your comment totally made my whole week. Thank-you so much and for reading here faithfully all these years. May God bless you with incredible peace in the months to come!

    Blessings, Debra


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