Thursday, April 07, 2016

The Class Reunion I'm Not Attending

      “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much ..."  ... Luke 16:10


Okay. Today I will be cheating. Just copying and pasting stuff here.

Hey. It's yet another dark, dreary, frigid day outside  (*&^%!@) and I need to escape upstairs to my bright, warm closet so to trick my head into thinking "it's actually quite lovely outside" thoughts.

No, really.

Anyway, at Facebook I belong to an alumni group for my final (and favorite) high school (I attended three. Three! And yes, that's ridiculous.) Well, an earlier graduating class (lest my title confused you) is holding a reunion and you know how--usually--class reunion planners ask for huge checks to cover huge dinners in fancy restaurants and a wearying list of other activities?

Well, this one is different:

"How time flies. It's time for our REUNION.  .... (Debra here: she mentions a couple's home where the reunion will be.)

The Reunion will be like the last two. Bring your lawn chairs, meat and beverage. We'll plan for a
Saturday BBQ. Grills, garlic bread, salads, Chester Champagne (water) and dessert will be provided. Bring snacks to share if you like. We'll pass the hat to cover expenses rather than ask for a check ahead of time.

Tami says they have room for a few mobile homes and tent trailers. She also has 10+ beds indoors. You just need to reserve space.

Also, please RSVP so we know how much food to buy/prepare. Peggy's going to make those cool Senior picture name tags. If you cannot attend, it would be so nice if you could write a paragraph or novel to catch us up on your life a bit. Maybe a current picture, even with your family. Send hard copies for the news board or put on Facebook.

Proposed schedule:

August 5, Friday

Arrive in the afternoon/evening to register and leave messages.

August 6, Saturday

Arrive any time after noon. Come and go. Snack.

Hang out until dinner time - about 5 pm.

August 7, Sunday
Hang out more, eat leftovers, and say "until we meet again." Plan when.
All for now. We just wanted to remind you to save the date. Let us know if you'll be able to make it. We really hope to see the regulars and some more rarified faces. RSVP soon to save urgent reminders and questions. Feel free to make suggestions."

Now that's the kind of relaxing, low-key class reunion I would attend. If I didn't live a million miles away. If I had been in that class. If I attended reunions.


One more thing, then it's back to The Bright Happy Closet for me...

As I did my weekly check online of obituaries from that same town, above, I read that one woman was an accountant and enjoyed helping people with their taxes. Then it said this: 

"Jolene found great pleasure in gardening and feeding and watching the birds of the area. She was an avid cook, enjoyed traveling when the opportunity arose while also enjoying the art of photography."

Wonderful, right? Seems Jolene didn't buy into the "you've gotta be well-known, a missionary if possible, who did big stuff and had huge numbers of Facebook friends or your life didn't count" lie. 

No, she discovered that it's the 'small', everyday things in Life that are the Huge Things, things special, memorable and radical enough to be written in ones obituary.

Good for you, Jolene. Good for you.

"Have your heart right with Christ & He will visit you often & turn weekdays into Sundays, meals into sacraments..& earth into heaven." ~ C.S. Lewis


"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people."  ... Colossians 3:23

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself
 unstained from the world."   ...James 1:27




  1. That sounds like the kind of reunion I would enjoy too. I've only been to one, my 10th reunion almost 30 years ago. It was enough. A lot of inebriated people trying to be 17 again. I like the obituary too. I hope mine says that people liked me and that I served God well. That will be a sign of a life well lived in my book. I hope the weather improves for you soon. I'm so happy with ours. 75 today and blue sky. Beautiful.

  2. I graduated in 1978 and have never been to a reunion. But if I were to head one up, it would be very casual like the one you mentioned!

    As far as the obit, have you ever read any of Heather Lende's books? She lives in Haines, Alaska and writes obituaries for the local papers. Her first book, "If You Lived Here I'd Know Your Name" is about the small town life and her obituary writing. She has two other books also. Check out her blog (I think you have to click on "blog" in the upper right corner.) I think you (and some of your readers) would like to read her. She frequently puts the obits that she writes on her blog.

    I feel your pain about the dreary days and cold temps. It has been in the 40's here, no sun and today it has been snowing on and off all day. They are now calling for freezing rain and snow showers late tomorrow afternoon. UGH!

    Hang in there, Debra! Spring will arrive one way or another! Keep the faith!


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