Friday, December 18, 2015

Disappointment! It's So Disappointing, Unless.....

'Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us..." ... Ephesians 33:20


Remember this peaceful place that I've shared with you each December since 2005? 

You could stand out there in the snow (in the warmth of your home), listen to carolers, dry your frustration tears and watch ice skaters until Christmas insanity fell from your shoulders and calm returned. Man, back when I used to do Christmas-like-everyone-else, I needed that place. Spent hours there.

But now that interactive card is gone. Vanished. Lost its domain whatever.

Oh, Ashland University did create a new card, but it's, well, a disappointment in comparison. (Shhh... I'd hate to discourage them.)

Of course, at first I felt rather crushed. To never visit that pretty gazebo again! Even though I no longer let December expectations abuse me, still, the peace out there was palpable--and who doesn't like that? 

And where would I send you this year?

Well, God being God (and good), led me here (click 'continue' and turn up your volume). In some ways, it's even lovelier(!) But, I've not--yet--felt the same calm in this new place. Perhaps it'll come in time. 

But the main lesson in all this is that, upon being confronted by disappointment--I remembered something. And it didn't even take days, but only seconds: When disappointment rears his head, take hold of your emotions and make yourself expect something even better than what you lost.

Yes, seriously. It's legal to do that and oh, how that one thing has colored my world brighter these past couple of years. After all, greater is He who is within me, than any ol' head-rearing disappointment in this world.

Anyway, here you go. Another peaceful place to stand and heal and recall Who Christmas is really about.


"But David encouraged himself in the Lord..."   ... 1 Samuel 30:6

"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!"  ...Psalm 31:24


A Facebook friend shared this photo of her cough drop wrapper:

Isn't that cool? Encouragement in a small, unexpected place, especially there to help those weakened, dragging along with a cold. 

I believe God sends encouragement to us all the time, but only those who aren't wrapped tightly within their own self-pity cocoon ever see it.

Just something to consider on this cold December afternoon ....



  1. Debra, I love the new Christmas card! Magical. It is good to pause and simply soak up some of those lovely moments that Christmas brings with it (we might have to "make" some of those moments, too). Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. I love the picture at the top of your page! The Mother Teresa quote is perfect. Merry Christmas, Debra!

  3. Debra, are you familiar with Jacquie Lawson's cards? There is a similar Christmas scene here that you can preview without joining:
    And many other selections for Christmas (and all seasons) here:
    They all have such a beautiful nostalgic feel and I come away from watching them feeling that sense of calm and peace.
    Your header photo is breathtaking! Wishing you and Tom and very blessed Christmas!

  4. Thanks, Pam! So glad you like the new Christmas place. I'm having fun watching it. :)

    Robin-- I love the new gazebo, also! I put it there in memory of the Ashland card which is no more. :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Deb--thanks so much for the new card! For some reason I just love to watch ice skaters on those type of things. :) Looks like everyone was having fun!

    One thing I miss about the Ashland Univ. card is that you could play the music and 'stand there' for as long as you wanted. It went on and on forever, rather than stopping, so you could relax and just meditate awhile. Oh well. Thanks again for sharing this pretty card! I hope your link and mine will still be available/working next Christmas as well.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings and Merry Christmas... Debra


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