Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20th. And All Is Well.

After seeing tons of tiny houses, this one (shared by Cottage Whimsy at Facebook), is my favorite. So far.

Hobbit Cottage so needs one of these in the backyard. 


Yesterday Tom and I braved the cold north wind so we could go watch 'In The Heart of the Sea'. Wow! Truly an old-fashioned epic film. We came away reeling with inspiration and awe and glad that we went to support Ron Howard for making such a huge film, one that's, so far, unappreciated by the masses. (I believe God blessed us with extra happiness for our additional 'support Ron motive' in going.)
We considered staying for another movie afterward, but agreed that anything else would feel like an episode of Tom and Jerry by comparison. smile emoticon
Highly recommended--although--if your idea of an awesome movie involves high tea, gentility and regal old houses, you probably won't like this one.  No, I'm pretty sure you won't.  :)

Some parts were downright frightening. 

But Tom and I appreciate films which give us gifts:

1.) taking us places we'd never have otherwise gone, ourselves.

2.) making history (though tweaked) come alive for us, revealing moments we'd never before heard about.

3.) inspiring us to tackle our own herculean tasks. Like cleaning out our horrid basement.  :) 


Deborah Rainey shared this other wonderful Christmas card. Yay! Another wintry place for you to go, a relaxing journey to take. Thanks, Deb!


What I want? It's for 'Christmas,' the real kind, to be on everyone's mind 365 days a year.

(Insert a longing sigh here).


"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." ... 2 Corinthians 9:7


Enjoy the show, Flip or Flop? Find 14 full episodes to watch online here. Free, but of course.


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