Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Your Best Day, Ever? It's Available Today.

"Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken..."   ... Hebrews 12:28


"I wish I'd known, then, how good things were."

That's a line from the awesome book I finished reading yesterday--Pulse. (Not a book for, uh, wimps, though, may I add.)

So often God whispers, "Treasure and enjoy what you're doing right now. Things won't always be as they are today."


But rather than concentrate upon just what does He mean by that last part(?!), I choose to simply obey the first. 

I find such joy and satisfaction in having straightened rooms when Tom arrives home from work and peeking inside a crockpot filled with a steaming meal.

I pause while folding clothes and play with the cats or water tomato plants then touch their leaves and sniff my fingers. I anticipate weekends when we'll walk through estate sales, yard sales and chat with friendly locals.

When I've finished mowing the lawn I celebrate with a kids' novel out on the front porch, glancing up to view my tiny world going by, basking in the fresh-cut-lawn scent. Tom and I watch good tv shows together and often one of us will, out of the blue, tell the other, "I love you."

The leaves way up on the trees outside our picture windows. My little bed surrounded by books in a corner upstairs. Our red couch against the green wall.

And most of all, my days with a very real sense of God's calming, remarkable presence which turns the most mundane tasks into something memorable.

Some future day I won't have to wish I'd known how good things were. This is something I know already--and am seeking to know on an even deeper level. 

Loving the now, this simple moment with God, changes everything. Makes wishing for better days a rare, rare thing. Indeed.


Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it."   ...Psalm 34:13, 14


Thought some of my fellow decor-loving friends might enjoy this post which Mike from American Pickers shared:  Beauty in Brokenness


Here's a feature I'd like to add to my posts: What's Cooking In My Crockpot Today.

And what is cooking in my crockpot today?  Beef enchilada mix.

Yesterday was barbecued chicken. Monday was tamale pie.


Free Kindle Books:

The Lady and the Mountain Man

A Lady in France

Waterfall: A Novel

A Song for Bellafortuna

Rocky Mountain Angels

Past Forward

Deeply Devoted

Decluttering the Clutter


"And be ye thankful."


  1. A beautiful post, Debra! Looking forward to hearing what's cooking in your crockpot. :)

  2. What a sweet sharing today, Debra. I was raised to appreciate all these simple things, too. I wish everyone was! Peace. I felt just like I was in your home as you described everything. Your writing is just getting better and better. I've been reading fewer and fewer blogs this summer because I've really been enjoying lots of things within the home....organizing, decorating, working on my dollhouse....but I still come back to your "home" because I would miss you if I didn't check in! I think the What's cooking in my crock pot would be a great segment to start. Fun. And that time of year, too. Have a good evening!

  3. I needed this post. Today I'm facing some medical tests and possible surgery to try to get to the bottom of some troubling lab results. It is so important that we look for the blessings of every single day. There are so many if we just look for them.

  4. What a great reminder! Nothing is in my crockpot today but on Monday it was pork for pulled pork. We had it with bbq sauce on top of baked sweet potatoes.


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