Thursday, September 03, 2015

Yes, I Pray About Everything. Sue Me.

"Don't worry about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."   ... Philippians 4:6


So I read this Christian-based article which blasted the new movie, The War Room. Yes, really. (After reading, I thought, "Big surprise why we don't see as many miracles as in the days of old." Also, I recalled this verse: "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" )

Good grief. People online make me tired sometimes.

Anyway, if you want to build your beliefs around every ''but-their-prayer-wasn't-answered testimoany testimony" instead of the Bible, go for it. If you insist preaching doubt and snatching peoples' hope is the way to go, well, good luck with where that takes you.

Me? I'll keep praying for the safety of everyone I know and that my new, untried cake recipe turns out ok. That God will draw my loved ones supernaturally closer to His heart and that the final three wasps will leave our front porch.

I'll pray for peace in Jerusalem and for spending my money wisely at the supermarket. I'll pray for revival amongst our political leaders and that Sammy the Cat will stop scratching at Tom's door every morning. Oh, and that God will take this dreadful humidity away.

And I'll keep believing my prayers will be answered, not be all over the board, double-minded, complicated, unstable in all my ways.  (James 1:8)

After all, Jesus, Himself said:

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

And then there's this:

"And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart."   ...Luke 18:1

And He and the Bible said lots more here.

I'll keep believing that God would rather that we ask, than not ask, going forth foolishly in our own so-called strength, instead.

You have not because you ask not. 

Yeah, sometimes we 'ask amiss'. Ok. But even there, God will kindly show me where my heart went wrong, then give me more wisdom for next time. He helps me grow-up, doesn't ridicule me for not being there yet. No one else teaches, corrects and molds us like He does--with conviction, not condemnation. With patience, not exasperation.

But whatever, I'll keep praying, naturally, like breathing. Like a child who tugs at her dad's sleeve when she needs something, believing he'll provide for those needs. Without ever even imagining the Genie Jesus thing. Heaven forbid! 

No, I'll keep believing and expecting and asking like crazy. About e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Whether people judge or curl their lip in derision.

And because of such an awesome Father (who knows and is best), I'll keep experiencing joy in the morning. 

All of them.


"I'd rather believe for a lot and get half of it than believe for a tiny bit and get all of it."   ... Joyce Meyer

Pessimistic Christians are like fingernails shrieking down the blackboards of my mind.


What's Cooking In My Crockpot Today?   Italian Vegetable Beef Soup

And here's the aforementioned cake recipe I tried this week. (It had been decades, literally, since I'd used a whole stick of butter in a recipe. I figured we were due. heh.) Tom absolutely loved this super-easy apple cake. I used a white cake mix since that's what I had on hand. 

A special thanks to my buddy, Dolores, for sharing the recipe at Facebook!

 AUTUMN APPLE CAKE heart emoticon
5-7 apples
1 (9 ounce) package yellow cake mix
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 stick real butter

Preheat oven to 350°F
Fill your 9x12 pan 1/2 full with apples which you've peeled, cored and sliced thin
(peeling is optional)
Sprinkle the apples with dry cake mix
Combine sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over the cake mix
Melt butter and drizzle over
Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown

Can be served with ice cream, if desired. You can also use other fruits for this cake... yummmmy


Free Kindle Books:

The Lady and the Mountain Man

A Lady in France

Waterfall:  A Novel


"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."...Mark 11:24


  1. Sometimes the answer is no or wait. But we don't want to hear that- doesn't mean a prayer isn't answered. : ) Angela

  2. I pray about everything also Debra, from the small to the big things!!

  3. Having the freedom to pray about EVERY SINGLE thing that concerns us is a great privilege! I am thrilled that God answered my prayers yesterday during my medical procedures. So far, so good. There is no substitute for the peace of God. Debra, thanks for listing all those wonderful verses in today's post. We have to keep our minds focused on the truth.

  4. Angela--so true! And it's sad that lots of people lose hope because their friends' prayers weren't answered, instead of relying upon what the Bible says about prayer.

    Elizabeth--me, too! Isn't that a much better and less-complicated way to live? I've found it to be so.

    Pam--yes--staying focused on the truth. That's what I prefer, also, rather than basing what I believe according to what happened to other people when they prayed. Unfortunately, lots of Christians out there base their beliefs upon that, instead. Thanks for keeping me updated about your test results in your emails!

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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