Sunday, September 13, 2015

Something For Everyone Sunday

Yes, I've not been around here much lately. 

It's just that I've felt so contented, peaceful, but not the lazy-do-nothing type of contentment. No, I've been busy learning and trying new things, yeah, much centering around the prepper thing.

Hey, it makes me happy. 

And prepping for anything/everything/whatever feels so right at this time of my life. Yet I promise I'll not go all gear-switchy and turn this into a prepper blog. I don't believe in the ol' bait and switch thing, but rather, balance. 

But today I hope you'll indulge me: I'd like to introduce you to Australia's Calamity Jill who's lived off the grid for 30 years(!) She's an inspiration for anyone of the introvert and/or prepper/gardener/animal-loving persuasions.

You can watch Jill's short video here.
You can read about her and see awesome photos of her home here (scroll down).



And don't you just love this photo?

This was my friend, Ginger, and her daughter more than 30 years ago. I find everything, the whole composition of this photo, simply beautiful. 


Oh, and did you notice the quote at the top of this post? Nothing appeared the same for me once I realized that truth back in the 90's. 

Everything changed and continues to do so to this very day.


Are you at Facebook and interested in living life using many of the old ways? You may like this group: Imperfectly Happy.

A very special thanks to Tracy for recommending it to me.


May your Sunday be wonderful!


Free Kindle Books:

Gardens of My Life

Mystery of the Old Desk

Solar Energy For Beginners

Tiny House Living Blueprint

Survival Tactics


  1. Glad you are enjoying the link, Debra! Calamity Jill seems very content alone on her homestead in nature with her animals. Very impressive!

  2. Tracy--Calamity Jill is quite something, isn't she? Certainly looks like she is ready for anything that may come along, right? She inspires me to be better prepared around here....

    Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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