Monday, September 14, 2015

Of Pulled Teeth, Roosters and Prayer

"... whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."  ... Mark 11:24


So on Friday, Tom had his first tooth pulled.

Now, being an old hand at having teeth yanked from my mouth, I spent a couple previous days, off and on, praying for him. Tom tends to be like most men when he's sick or in pain, you know, how they can resemble a feverish 6-year-old who fears he's gonna die. 

So I prayed he would be comfortable over the weekend (for his sake) and not do the cranky 6-year-old stuff (for mine).

Well, right after the procedure, Tom called, saying he'd need to first go to Rite Aid to fill a couple prescriptions. He asked if I wanted him to pick up anything.

He sounded fine and dare I say happy(!) He arrived home, smiling, and able to speak like always. He'd even visited an estate sale where he bought me two boxes containing a deceased woman's rooster collection (oh dear). 

Not once over the entire rainy, dark weekend did he complain.

Oh my goodness. For hours I felt shocked surprised and kept asking him how his mouth felt. Waited to hear him ask me for drinks or meals or for a blanket or pills or to hold his hand or push the recliner back for him.

None of that ever happened.

Eventually God nudged me and pretty much said, "Hey! You prayed Tom would be fine so why are you acting so surprised that he is?"

Why, indeed, if I truly prayed, believing?

Tsk. Tsk. Lesson learned.

I hope.

            "Be it unto you even as you have believed."

     "Real faith not only does something for us, but it also does something to us."   ... A. W. Tozer


The view from the red couch on this beautiful September morning:


What's Cooking in My Crockpot Today?  Italian Vegetable Beef Soup


Free Kindle Books:

Tea With Grandy Dee

After the Rain

Tiny House Living

Michelle and Tyler

A Life Restored


  1. Glad Tom did so well after his trip to the dentist! A miracle indeed! :)

  2. Real faith, I like that, and how good Tom recovered so quickly.

  3. Plugging into our faith changes everything! Happy that Tom did so well with his pulled tooth. I, too, am enjoying the view from my couch...

  4. Glad Tom did well! I do not like going to the Dentist so I can relate! I am blessed with a wonderful dentist and staff though!

  5. Thank-you Tracy, Terra, Pam and Elizabeth! Tom felt a bit of pain by Tuesday, but nothing huge. Thanks for being happy for him and for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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