Wednesday, August 05, 2015

What's Whirling 'Round My Brain Today

When we first moved to Hobbit Cottage, Tom was out of work and we had 'baby cable'. I'd wake up early, make my hot chocolate and upstairs, watch the Canadian show, Steven and Chris (we live just a handful of miles from the Canadian border--did you know that?).

Anyway, I knew the two men, Steven and Chris, were a couple, but I liked and appreciated them and their decorating/style talents and health tips. Chris, especially, could crack me up and make me laugh out loud at 5:30 am--no easy feat, that. Tom would wake up and I'd tell him the hilarious things Chris said. And I'd pray for Steven and Chris, that they'd come to know Jesus.

But later we got 'real cable' and I watched the local news while helping Tom get ready for his new job. It's been awhile since I've watched Steven and Chris.

Then this morning I read that, on Monday night, Chris was found dead in a Toronto alleyway. No other details are being released at this time.** Oh wow. This puts a pall over my morning and makes me sad on many different levels. And sad for Steven and their families. 

I'm grateful I prayed years ago, though, when God nudged me to. Oh, the responsibility once we've fallen into the hands of the living God. How costly to ones very soul, over time, to ignore His nudges. How weighty all the things we could have done, but didn't.


Remember the big hutch Tom bought? Here's a photo of it in our office:

I'd planned to place some of my collectibles behind the glass, but turns out it had room only for Tom's car collection and a few African souvenirs. Yet that's ok, honestly, because it all looks 300% better than the shelves we had there before. 


"The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing."  ...Proverbs 20:4


“It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt


** It looks like a very plausible reason for Chris' death has been found. Here's an article with quotes from his mother, for whom I feel so sad right now. I'll be praying for all involved as the days go by.

Update: Please continue to pray for Steven. This video 3 years later shows him still struggling with Chris' death.



  1. Sad about the mysterious death. Yes, it is wise to have provisions. Have you heard about the possibility of the power grid being destroyed either by pulses from the sun or enemy attack? That would require a year's worth of provisions. Congress has had papers prepared upon this but so far is not "hardening" the grid. Yikes.

  2. -Many a life crosses our path. Nice to see you still here in blog land


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