Friday, August 07, 2015

Just Checking-In.

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ...Proverbs 17:22



Not since 10 summers ago have I had this much trouble with my sinuses. I've even taken to keeping a pan of steaming water on the stove while the air-conditioner runs, for it's the dry air that gives me sinus headaches. (Yet another of those epiphanies which made me ask, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?" I mean, hey, I keep the pan on the stove in the winter to moisten the dry air, why not in the summer?)

Then I remind myself to be patient with myself, for God is still patient even though I'm not quite as bright or quick as I once was. After all, 'He knows I am but dust.'

I really don't have time for this babying of my head. We have company coming on Sunday and out-of-state company is due next weekend. 

But alas, I keep reminding myself it could be worse. Much worse. And then lecture myself to be thankful that at least I can do something about this. I am not helpless and when I stick with all my handy-dandy natural cures, I do fine. I just need to stop complaining about the time and effort they require.

So anyway, today I will end this post with a smile. Well, I found it funny as did some of my friends at Facebook. Yet I've met some Christians who've lost their sense of humor over the years and well, I so hope you are not one of them. 

Do keep your sense of humor polished, especially in these times in which we live, ok? It will become more and more vital in the months ahead. At least, that's what I believe.

So here you go:


"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!" ...Psalm 32:11

"As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust."   ...Psalm 103:13, 14


Free Kindle Books:

Agnes Campbell's Hat

Whatever Happened to the Power of God?

The Accidental Farmers

The Man of the Desert

Exit Betty

The Search

Marcia Schulyer

Cloudy Jewel

Let's Meet In The Kitchen

Aunt Crete's Emancipation

An Old-Fashioned Girl


  1. Have you tried a Neti Pot? Some people swear by them.

  2. Thanks, Kim! Yeah, Tom even has one. But I've always thought they were gross and can't get past that. Aren't I terrible? But my facial steamer and the pot on the stove thing do work great. It's just the air-conditioning that's messing me up so I'm using it much less. Fortunately we are having a cooler August like I prayed for--hooray! Thanks again! Blessings, Debra

  3. Feel better soon!

  4. Sinus trouble is no fun!! My daughter and I have had more sinus trouble this summer, too. Usually we're free of it in the summertime. I don't enjoy the Neti pot (tho I'll use it if absolutely necessary), but the doc recommended saline spray. I use it real often and it's helped. The generic stuff works fine for us. I even keep it handy during the night. Maybe the change in weather will help you. BTW, I loved the sign by the wine--it's a really good ad for Jesus, too.

  5. So many people have had terrible sinus issues this year here in Oklahoma too! I haven't had it as bad as usual, thankfully! I have no ideas for you. Like you, I can't stand the idea of a NetiPot so I don't use one. Icky.

    Sending prayers heavenward for you!

  6. Thank-you so much, Everyone, for your concern! I'm happy to report that I've discovered what the problem was/is: We'd had a warmer summer than usual so I'd been using the air-conditioners more often and they were drying-out the air in here like crazy.

    Ever since I began using them less (fortunately, the outdoors has cooled down) and have more often kept steaming water on the stove, I've been feeling much better. Oh happy day! So looks like it was dry air sinusitus, after all. At least, with some babying of my sinuses, it's no longer a problem.

    Thanks again for caring! Blessings, Debra


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