Thursday, August 13, 2015

Photos on a Summer Day

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."   ... Psalm 34:8


So! Ol' Debra's been busy this week preparing for Tom's sister, her daughter and two of her children to come and visit us. I've painted and cleaned and vacuumed and mowed and dusted and--

Well, you get it.

So since our fun weekend will begin within hours and I still have a few tasks in need of tackling (aren't there always some?), I'll just share photos with you today from Hobbit Cottage where life is still peaceful and sweet as I hope it is at your home, also.


Oh, and I must share this sweetest inscription, ever, which I found inside one of my recent yard sale books. From 1945. Happy sigh:

Can't you just picture a pretty woman with a wave in her hair and wearing a dark, 1940's dress while writing those words upon a small desk in a wallpapered living room with a smile upon her face?


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  1. Love the inscription ! Enjoy your time with your guests! I have my daughter coming this weekend, so I have been busy getting her room ready!

  2. Have a wonderful time with your company!

    I treasure inscriptions in old books too. I love it when they are annotated. I recently bought an old novel simply because it was from Faith Baldwin's personal library with her name written in ink.

  3. Thanks for posting summer photos to warm up my winter's day.

  4. Oh! A house full! It starts with the anticipation, doesn't it. Really, that's when it's a joy to clean and organize and imagine when they'll arrive. Soon? Oh, Debra, I hope you have a blast. Tell us all about it later. It's HOT here. I'm crafting inside and doing errands as need be.

  5. Thanks, Everyone, for all your good wishes regarding our visit with family! I really appreciate your taking the time to let me know your thoughts. It ended up being a fantastic weekend. :)

    Thanks again! Blessings, Debra


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