Monday, August 17, 2015

A Weekend To Remember

"Let all that you do be done in love." ... 1 Corinthians 16:14


Hobbit Cottage surprised me again this weekend, for we close-to-comfortably fit an extra four people within her walls, even overnight, and everyone survived to tell the tale.

What wild, fun days we had with our visiting family! The trip to the carousel museum and around our old haunts where Tom and I shared myriad memories of our two like-back-in-Time decades here. 

The quick stop at the 1920's theater to take photos of the lobby's intricate detailing.

The lunch on a rooftop beside the Niagara River (and the annoying bees. Oh dear.) and the quick stop at the Erie Canal.

Then the next day at Niagara Falls? We (literally) rubbed shoulders with thousands of people from the entire Earth (oh, the humanity!), and wow, their stop-and-stare-gorgeous children. I told Tom, "I think they're making prettier children nowadays."  :) 

But eeks-- the hour it took us to park. The miles we walked. The humidity and heat and crowds like I'd never seen there before. Gulp.

Yet we all survived that, too, and realized we had more stamina than we'd supposed.  Probably no one was surprised more than myself--even without my new handy-dandy back brace, not once did my back bother me as it is wont to do.

I felt young again, actually. Well, until three of us climbed endless stairs up to the parking garage. There, I felt 99. But most of this busy weekend I reminded myself of a younger me (heavenly help--clearly--was involved) and came away inspired, more than ever, to begin walking again. To not allow myself to sit here and age before my appointed time.


On Sunday, these dear family members we'd not seen in a long time (and two young ones we'd not met before), drove away and Tom and I felt sad and missed them. Though we found ourselves grateful for our God-blessed life here, for average days so celebratory, though simple. 

But how quickly times like these with extended family come and go. And how many good memories they leave in their wake until more come back around like the tide in its time. 


Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. ~Gail Lumet Buckley

And I must share this quote, below, though thankfully, it doesn't apply to our recent visiting family.  :) But the truth of the statement does make me both giggle and cringe:

A family is a bunch of people who keep confusing you with someone you were as a kid. ~Robert Brault


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