Monday, August 24, 2015

Feeling Peace While The Stock Market Threatens

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   Proverbs 3:5,6


This morning at Hobbit Cottage, I:

1.) ... took a picture of our fireplace because, on Saturday, I hung the blue painting there (again) instead of an old mirror. And yes, it's a bit busy, but I'm thinking Winter will make it feel better.  :)

2.) ... also snapped photos of what happened after I 'Played Books' (my favorite game) this weekend, placing rows of my kids' lit. in front of our dvd's so to more efficiently use shelf space--and--because before, I had to crawl on my knees (no, really), behind a chair, in order to find these much-loved books, crammed upright and sideways. Not good. 

But it all feels very good now:

And for those of you who enjoy reading the titles of other peoples' books, here you go:

3.) ... and I've got barbequed chicken in the crockpot, the outside plants are watered, I washed a load of sheets and will hang them on a rack upon the front porch and I (going on two weeks now) sprayed out there The Hornets Which Will Not Die.

4.) ... oh, and I read a couple articles about the present and impending doom of the stock market. 

But you know? As I've continued to prepare these past weeks (since this post) For Anything, I've felt such peace in all my buying and tucking away of food and supplies and making lists and goals and studying articles and contemplating, quietly, asking God what I should know and do and believe.

And it's been awesome. Oh, that palpable peace which does not make sense, rather like this:

"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."   ... Philippians 4:7

What a joy to do whatever I can, then trust that God will do what I cannot. And to keep enjoying Him in all the doing, which makes things that could have been a drag, quite pleasant, indeed.

"Dreams don't work unless you do."   ... John Maxwell


Now, here's a young man who's got me beat by spades in the Housing Contentment Department. Oh my goodness! I've seen small spaces, but that one--wow. Barring a miracle and boatloads of grace, I couldn't do it.

Could not do it.


Oh! forgot to mention that 'Genie' contacted me at Facebook and apologized for forgetting our pre-arranged lunch. She said she does better with the phone (I don't, but I can push through it...heh) and asked me to call her for another date.


Free Kindle Books

A Good Man Gone

Farm Girl Country Cooking

Freezer Meals For an Easy Life


  1. Is there anything better than peace? Don't think so! We, too, have peace in spite of the diving stock market. Maybe we need to encourage people to look at their money--it still says "In God we trust." Let it be so!

  2. I like the picture over the mantle. You're'll feel better in the fall/winter. Thank you for showing your darling chair that Tom found again.....just made me smile all over again.....aaannnd.....thank you for highlighting "my" bible verse, Phil. 6-7. Going back now to read the link about the content young man. I've had just a very specific "hand of God on my shoulder" contentment that I've been waiting patiently for, for....dare I say it, Debra.....years? Not meant to discourage, but to encourage. Faithfulness is sometimes very hard during long term waiting times and it requires a kind of christian discipline we "wait upon the Lord". Just not fun. But, I have seen a 7-8 year process come to fruition. It is just a daily joy and a wonder to me now. I just shake my head. I will wait upon the Lord. One day at a time. Have a good day, Debra. : )

  3. Pam--yes, peace! There's nothing like living with it day by day, come what may, right? I feel bad for those who only know peace once in awhile only when all their 'ducks are in a row.'

    Bonnie--so happy about your waited-for contentment! I think if you went to the link you saw what I was talking about--living inside a closet. *That's* how he had me beat in contentment. Windows! I must have windows. :) As I've grown older I've known contentment like I never dreamed possible when younger. Ain't it great? :) There's nothing else on earth like the contentment that comes from God.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  4. You need to spray the hornets at night when they are all gathered in the nest to receive the spray.........

  5. Kristi--yeah, we tried that.:) And in the early mornings, for like, over a week. But then we found the problem--the spray we were using. I think the hornets/wasps enjoyed it, you know, maybe it was like wine to them--made them tipsy, but not dead. heh. Then we bought some better spray and in one morning application, they were gone from our front porch and greatly reduced from a higher-up spot above the porch. Our persistence and this good spray are gonna defeat them--hooray! :)

    Thanks for commenting and oh! Today I finally began watching Granite Flats and I love it! I'm thinking Tom will enjoy it, also. Thanks for the recommendation!

    Blessings, Debra


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