Sunday, April 26, 2015

Just Can't Title This One

You know it's been a long winter when you stand at your window and suddenly gasp, "The crab apple tree has leaves!"


Today is Tom's birthday. We've celebrated here at home this weekend, for he often dines at restaurants on weekdays with co-workers, not to mention all his traveling, paper work and errands. So he appreciates sitting in his recliner each Saturday and Sunday.

Which, uh, I'm not sure is working out for me, I told him. Me, me, me. Yet since it's his birthday, I pushed that discussion back for another day. :)

We watched tv and ordered out for lunch and I puttered outside where, at Hobbit Cottage, it is the time of the transplanting of forget-me-nots. 

But here's the other thing: Tom's mom is very near getting what she's longed for for years--to enter Heaven. The doctors say it will be any hour or any day, so good-byes have been spoken and now everyone waits. Tom's mom has so often spoken of Heaven that, rather than be sad and pray that she remains here in bed, often in pain, we find ourselves pulling for her to get her heart's desire. She is 85 (86?) and oh so ready to enter the brightly lit gate of which she's already had a peek.

Here's a portion of Tom's tribute to his mom:

"My Mom, Esther Joy "Kitty," has lived a full, long, and rewarding life. Her childhood was a very hard life, yet she made the most of it, fighting and reaching, and grasping life by the neck. She had physical problems that took great courage and determination to overcome. I think that tenacity, and warrior spirit helped guide me in my own struggles.
That struggle for her is drawing to an end. Her mind has stayed as sharp as anyone I know, but the body is worn out. She is at heaven's door, asking to come in. She's been living in a nursing home for several years now. Her beloved "Daddy" passed away in the Fall of 2013, and she has missed him ever since. She would tell me - "I miss Daddy", and also "I'm tired, and just want to go home", as she would lay in that bed, day in and day out. She has congestive heart failure, and is breathing very shallowly now, preparing, I think, for passing through that eternal door. The doctors and nurses say it could be any time now."

May we all live ready to release this world for the incredible one ahead. May we not view Death as the end of the world, but rather, the beginning of the best world to come for those who know Jesus.


"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants."   ...  Psalm 116:15

 “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."  ... 1 Corinthians 2:9


Here's a treat! My friend, Tracy, has published a Kindle book titled Inspiration for Homemakers, guaranteed to delight the most wonderfully old-fashioned-minded amongst us--and at only .99 cents! Tracy's book will inspire you to new great heights around your home and within your heart. 

You'll find it here.  Congrats, again, Tracy!


Free Kindle Books:

Running on Empty

The Rancher

Organize Your Home

Memory Improvement


What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly. ------Richard Bach


  1. Praying for you, Tom, and Esther Joy and that her passing is peaceful.

    Thank you, Debra, for your kind comments in regards to my e-book! You have been an inspiring force in my life. :)

  2. Happy birthday Tom. Such a beautiful tribute to your mom.

  3. Very happy that Tom is able to celebrate his birthday with you, Debra, at home! I will pray for your family and for Tom's mom.

  4. Happy Birthday to Tom! And prayers for his mother and all who will miss her here.

  5. Happy Birthday Tom! That is a beautiful tribute to your Mom!

  6. Happy birthday Tom. Glad you are home again.


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