Wednesday, April 29, 2015

From The Front Page of Debra's Life

" ...  whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."   ... Philippians 4:8


So yesterday while standing on the sunny side of the house at the water spigot waiting for my watering can to fill, the yellow of the house glowed near my face and the temperature was 52 perfect degrees and I remembered how, only weeks ago, this outdoor world was blue, frozen and waiting for days like this one.

For a second, I nearly fainted with the gratitude, the glee of Springtime and the goodness of God.


Naomi arrived home safely from NYC and I do thank you for your prayers. 

In this photo, below, from her time there? Oh my. I'd never seen her look so all-grown-up-like-a-lady.

               (Naomi is second on the right. Not sure why, but she reminds me a bit of Patricia Heaton in this photograph by Katrin Albert.)

Having a grown-up-lady for a daughter makes me feel downright decrepit.  :)


I've not yet met our new, young neighbors. Looks like they both have jobs with hours identical to Tom's, but soon I'll meet them and their .............. wait for it  .......... their dog.

Yes, they have a dog, one who did bark awhile as they moved in on Saturday. But Tom and I gave him (and them) a break since he/she was in a new, strange yard. 

I mean, hey, we're not one of those couples with no life, who wait with fingers poised over their phone to complain to authorities. At least not yet. heh.

Only once since Saturday have I heard anything and already I prefer New Dog over Evil Dog Cody. He's pretty, even--rather like a smallish, orange German Shepherd with no black markings.

Oh, and they have a cute white and black cat who peeks at me from the windows. Cats in windows = one of my favorite things on this planet.

So to sum it up: so far so good and I'm choosing to believe things will remain that way because, well, that's what I do.


Tom's mom is still on this side of Heaven, her body not yet ready to release her spirit, and we do thank you for prayers, especially for the family members attending to her now. As you know, the waiting at these times can exhaust mind and body.


And because our world becomes more tragic, divided and mean by the week, I'm considering rereading this series by Rosamond du Jardin outside in the sun. Oh, the calm, the memories they bring. The sanity they restore to me as this world-gone-wild spins 'round.

(To see oh-so-retro photos of Rosamond's books, go here.) 

As I often nag tell you, discover what keeps your head together and do it. Just do it (even if no one else does).


      “I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best weather God has to offer.” 
― Dodie SmithI Capture the Castle


Free Kindle Books:

Land of Dust and Tears

Misadventures of a 1970's Childhood

Creating Homeschool Balance


  1. Naomi is beautiful! I love your optimism Debra! I hope to have it again!

  2. Beautiful daughter, and I like to escape into fiction too. Anthony Trollope is my upbeat fiction choice, his Chronicles of Barchester series.

  3. I was walking home from our new supermarket today in the beautiful sunshine and these lyrics from an old Carley Simon song kept running through my head, "These are the good old days".

  4. Naomi is so pretty! The book series looks delightful! :)

  5. The quote from 'I Capture the Castle' reminds me that this is one of the books I've kept for years to read yet again when I'm tired, needing to be quiet in my corner for a bit. Never mind that I know the chapters almost by heart--the story unfolds as warmly as ever. Others on that special 'read again' shelf are several by Elisabeth Goudge; 'Gown of Glory' and The Nightingale' by Agnes Sligh Turnbull, Daphne Du Maurier's 'Jamaica Inn'--Jan Karon's Mitford books--old and comfortable friends.


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