Friday, December 05, 2014

Hating and Hiding? Or Becoming a Grace Spy?

"But where sin increased, grace increased all the more..."   ... Romans 5:20


Oh, the unrest presently within our Country! Yet I hope you've not allowed that unrest to enter within you.

Doesn't God want to see good changes happen here? Of course He does. But godly changes don't happen by using ungodly means. Staying angry, destroying stores, stealing merchandise, injuring others and becoming hysterical are not listed in the Bible as ways to make Life better.

Rather, He advocates prayer (corporate and alone), standing firm upon what the Bible teaches, walking in love and peace and joy and relying upon God to speak and move through us His way, using His ideas, believing He will, ultimately, bring the changes.

But letting what's happening give us headaches and make us hate and hide while we watch hours of news coverage on tv is not on that list.

Did you see that verse at the top? That's what I recalled when I watched this video which my high school friend, Tara, shared at Facebook. It's from a supermarket in Germany where the cashiers surprised a store full of customers by playing Jingle Bells by way of--well, you really need to watch it yourself.

And if you do, maybe you'll feel as I did that, ok, sinful times are increasing in our world today and yet? Shouldn't that also mean that times of (awesome) increasing Grace will be coinciding, as well?

Yes, it should. And that's exciting!

What remains is that I look more earnestly for that Awesome Increasing Grace because, unfortunately, it's usually harder to find. But it is out there, see-able to anyone who keeps looking up, always toward that redemption which is speedily, in these Last Days, drawing nigh.


"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber..."...Psalm 121:1-3

Are you expecting more good for your future or more bad?


Again, here's that spiffy video. It just may make your whole day.


Free Kindle book:


I'm currently rereading my Betty MacDonald books (hoping some of her humor will mysteriously seep into my own writings) and while browsing for more info. about her online (a favorite past-time), I discovered this oh-so-cool video of Betty MacDonald's Farm.  (Give it a minute to get past all those dog and cat photos....)

Loved it!

(Sigh... that link is being annoying. You'll need to look down a bit, then click on the video titled Betty MacDonald Farm. The one with a picture of a dog.)


1 comment:

  1. Bad news makes the front page, but I still believe there are many, many wonderful people in our world. They are the "salt of the earth." They come in all colors, shapes, and sizes, and their kindness changes lives. If we all shine a little light, this old world won't seem so dark. Blessings to you and your family, Debra, during this Christmas season.


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