Thursday, September 25, 2014

You're Probably Not a Sloth After All

"... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..."  ... Hebrews 12:1


Well. Recently I repainted a skinny wall so to cover Tom's our fingerprints (you can see the paint can in this photo, but not the wall) and I attached that red metal basket thing to the dresser to use for recyclables since Tom now must use the previous gold basket because of my living room redo. Oh, and I spray-painted the roll-around cart, but it came out radioactive green, of which I'm not a fan, so I'll re-spray it a third time. Someday.

Then yesterday I spray-painted this shelf, below, and switched the red Fiestaware teacups for yellow ones (oh, the many Fiesta cups and saucers I've Ebay'd this year. Stay tuned for a photo on Saturday.)

Plus, each day this week I've walked a bag of clutter down the street to the Salvation Army bin:

(Trust me, the big metal bin is down there. Because the river sparkled, I took a photo.) Oh, and I trimmed all our miles of hedges and raked and tossed away the clippings, also.

 After all this, I felt like, "It feels terrific to accomplish things around here!"

But then came this morning. Uh-oh. I watched, for the first time, a couple HGTV episodes of Rehab Addict and the wonder woman who is Nicole Curtis.

Oh my goodness. Her energy and stamina! Her attention to detail and insistence upon staying true to a home's original character! The way she swings a hammer and carries heavy stuff around! And did I mention her energy and stamina?

And suddenly I felt exactly like this:

A lazy ol' sloth. Heh.

But of course, this verse immediately came to mind:

"... but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."   ... 2 Corinthians 10:12

... and I was, like, "Yeah, I know. I know! Different people have different gifts. I've written about that in my blog 50 times."

But still, right? :) 

Well, instead, I made a choice to let Nicole inspire me to keep on keeping on with my Battle Against All Things Annoying. Winter's marching closer and there's still much to do before it hits, but I'll never finish if I let another person's strengths intimidate me.  

So, as with much in this life, it's time to let go of anything that would weigh me down and, instead, proceed at my own God-directed pace. This way--all will be well. In time.

And oh, what a relief that is!


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds ..."   ... Hebrews 10:24

“A man who is intimate with God is not intimidated by man.” 

...  Leonard Ravenhill

"I think what ruins relationships and causes most fights is insecurity."
 ... Olivia Wilde

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."   ... Matthew 11:29


Free Kindle Books:

A Heart Deceived


Georgia on Her Mind


Naomi and her boyfriend arrived home safely yesterday in Nashville from Idaho. Thanks so much for your prayers for them!


  1. I have to say Nicole Curtis inspires me too...but you are too right in not comparing ourselves to others, even when we give them more credit than we do to ourselves. Danger zone! Love to watch the program but try hard to keep myself in perspective. And hence my post earlier this week about not letting that illusionist Miss Perfect start telling me how I ought to do things. I'd never get a thing done if I tried to live up to her imaginary standards and all the pretty things I'd have missed out on that really were good enough, done to the best of my ability.
    By the way, everything looks lovely and cheerful. I think we are both going in the same direction in our homes, trying to portray what makes our hearts sing. And isn't it lovely it's turning out so pretty, colorful, cheerful and nice?

  2. LOVE the pictures!

    Nicole Curtis inspires me because she is just being herself.

    Myself tends toward wanting to sit and think. Or sit and not think. Sitting down is my new hobby.

  3. My daughter and I are big fans of Nicole Curtis, too. We recorded all her shows and are hoping for new ones to come along soon. It's refreshing to see her attempt to preserve and beautify older homes. Love all the changes you've made to your home, too.

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Yes her cheerfulness and persistence and energy is amazing. Yet if you would ask her I am sure she would say she has things she so admired in others but does not have herself. We all do. God made us each a one of a kind. Yes, she does seem so put ons there. I go to antique stores and mention to the owners that their homes must be so beautiful. they display things so beautifully and all. They usually tell you they are too tired when they get home to do their own homes! !! Sad. Your little colorful, snugly, comfy cottage is sure looking good Debra. Sarah

  5. I have never heard of this lady! (Don't have cable) but now that I have come to this post I know what your talking about. Be inspired -instead of being ashamed. Some friends of mine recently received a "Spiritual Promotion" - My ininal reaction was not what it should have been - and the Holy Spirit kept telling me - Someone else's success is not your failure - and Their promotion is not your demotion. Ah- any way before I start a blog post of my own...I have embraced inspiration and joy for them instead of shame and discouragement. ---Always love your words of wisdom!!

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I find that I must lean into Him to manage the pain and not push through to get things done. It is difficult in this culture of business not to be busy. I have been passing through some difficult days and am thankful for His love for me. Jan


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