Wednesday, July 02, 2014

The Other Window

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."   ... James 1:17


The shelves for the new window arrived today!

See, months ago I'd wanted to place a hutch beside the window, but there's really not enough room (too near the stairs and would most likely throw the whole feng shui/chi way, way off). Then I found that perfect painting so out went the hutch idea and then I imagined a garden window where I could display a few items and also start seedlings and herbs and well, it's not even close to being a hutch, but I am absolutely delighted with this new toy.

I'll probably change what's up there, like, every 3 days.

Today's lesson?  Stay open to possibilities rather than believing--if things aren't one certain way--my world will be second-rate/ruined/over. God can continually surprise us when He knows we'll appreciate anything He drops down to us and when we (truly) trust that He knows better than us about, well, everything.


(Someday I'll paint the sill and inner frame, but hey. I'm still on vacation. Give me a break. heh.) And in case you wondered, the new window cranks open and has a deeper frame/sill than the old one which enabled us to have the glass shelves put in.


"... and be content with what you have..."   ... Hebrews 13:5


(When we finally get new neighbors in the grey house, the yard will look much nicer.)  :)

Ok, you'll laugh but .... Here's the view from our couch through the new picture window. And see that itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny strip of blue in the center? That's the river. No, really! :) (And I've even zoomed it a bit closer.) 

And yeah, it's a good thing that my far-away vision still works great. I can watch boats and water-skiers and seagulls and people on bicycles and -- I'm beyond grateful. 

The trees and squirrels and birds are quite cool to watch, also. It's a busy place out there! 



  1. How good to have a glimpse of the river, and to remind us that sometimes we can be creative and make a good change, like with your window.

  2. Very nice Debra :)
    I have the river down behind my house.
    Most of the time I don't have a view from my window. I am like you....any view is nice. :)
    Nancy from Montana

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I think your view of the river is maybe a tad larger than our view of the Sound we have to stand up to see it!! Sounds like you really do have good eyesight. What a blessing!
    Elizabeth in WA

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Have to tell you my unexpected blessing today. An old Bernina 830, probably made about 1970 or pristine new condition...looks unused!! I got a used one in 1999 and have yet to have to have it worked on...just some cleaning and oil and it is still purring along...and I have sewn a great many hours on it. We were SO surprised to see this one (I was on a list at the sewing shop)!!! They are really workhorses...quilters know that!! I am beyond grateful for this unexpected gift. And because the shop was having some kind of 20% off sale...they gave me $118 off...made me really happy!!
    Elizabeth in WA

  5. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Looks like a quick walk down to the river. Love your view. The window shelves are great, too. Joyce

  6. Rosemary10:50 AM

    Your glass shelves add just the right touch, Debra. Functional as well as pretty!

  7. Where did you find these shelves, Debra? I would love to have some like them! They are wonderful!

  8. Terra--I really like the way your worded that! I do love sitting on the couch and looking at the river now.

    Nancy--exactly! Any view is nice. We used to have a brick wall outside of our dining and living rooms for nearly 15 years, so I'll take anything now! :)

    Elizabeth--thank-you and yep! We used to have to stand on tip toe to see our view. :) Congrats on your new machine! I'm really happy that you found just what you needed and at the right price.

    Joyce--thanks! Yes, the river is just down the street and there's a park on the river about 3 blocks away. It's so much nicer being able to sit down and look at the river now! :)

    Rosemary--thanks! I'm very happy with them and plan on playing around with new arrangements often. I needed something new on which to display things and so this is great for that. :)

    Kristi--Oh! As far as I know, our window guys cut the shelves themselves. The extra one (in case one breaks) didn't fit right so the boss told me he'd have the guys cut a new one and get it to me next week.

    I'm sure any glass company could cut shelves for you if you give them the measurements. The wooden pieces at the ends just look like molding which could be bought at any Home Depot type of store. They would probably even cut them for you. Hope that helps!

    Thanks, Everyone! ... Debra


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