Saturday, July 05, 2014

My Fourth of July

 "May you be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God."   ... Ephesians 3:19


So. Yesterday, the 4th of July.

Besides a couldn't-avoid-it-trip to Target and the gas station (where I also filled our empty lawnmower gas can), I stayed home.

I could have gone anyplace, really, could even have invited myself to a party or two. But no, I puttered at home and mowed the lawn and watered my gardens and vacuumed and played with the cats and wrote an email and Skyped with Tom and ate Chef Boyardee (had my special 4th meal the previous day, instead) and rearranged bits of my bedroom and began reading my new Judy Bolton book on the porch and received an email from Naomi and messaged with my sister at Facebook about a book we enjoyed and watched The Middle and The X-Files while also watching boats and water skiers from our window and ...

... felt the incredible presence of God all day long.

And at the day's end? I could think of no better way I might have spent my Independence Day (I tried). How can you top a day spent with God? It just felt So Right. Perfect. They all do.

Life with God ... who can really comprehend the wonder?

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:"   ... 1 Peter 2:9


This week I had to call for a water meter replacement (our whole town was given no choice. Oh well.) and the Old Debra began planning how, before Thursday's appointment at 1:30, she would mow the lawn, declutter the whole basement, Spring clean the kitchen and --. Well, took some hours, but then she decided to only clean the part of the basement where Water Guy would be (it needed it. Sorely.) and that's all. And then I made plans to be kind to him, instead, for he wouldn't remember whether our lawn was mowed or not, but he'd recall if I was kind.

Things turned out better that way. They always do when we put kindness ahead of duty. May I remember that for more than just ten minutes.  :)


Free Kindle books:

Appalachian Serenade

Backpacked: A Reluctant Trip Across Central America


Savingstar's Healthy Offer this week is 20% off of loose bananas.

Their Friday Freebie is a 1.55 oz. Hershey's milk chocolate bar.


I hope your own 4th of July was fun and I'd love to hear about your favorite memory!



  1. Nothing could be better, Debra! Andy and I stayed home, too....I am at a point where I appreciate the quietness of this holiday!

    And you are so right about kindness!

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Quiet day by ourselves too. We did a bit of shopping. Things on sale...decided to see. Found some sandals like a pair I have been mostly wearing recently as they do not hurt my arthritic ankles. Hubby asked saleslady if they were on sale and she said no. Hubby said to me, "Get some are so hard to fit and there are several pairs your size." So I picked out 3. Regular price $45 which I HATE to pay...but Hubby wanted me to do so. After we paid, Hubby said the register charged 50% off as was the other sandal types we had seen. We left praising GOD for yet another unexpected blessing!! Fixed a yummy dessert for which I already had a pie crust stored in the fridge that needed to be used. So in a small way we celebrated I suppose. GOOD DAYS are always to be celebrated!!

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Forgot...found another unexpected markdown with $1 coupons on Simple Green too (my main spot cleaner for laundry), plus we had spent enough to earn an extra $5 off at the till (Kmart). That always is an encouragement. Hubby's gas treatment stuff was also half priced. WOWEE!!(forgot to sign my name above)
    Elizabeth in WA

  4. Forgot to mention that I just downloaded all the Penny Parker mysteries (I think) for free to my Kindle......OK, they are really about the level of Nancy Drew, but fun to read when in the mood...Best of all, I don't need to give them shelf room! (As I struggle to weed out books from my overcrowded house!)


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.