Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Photos of Life Around Here

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."   ... Galations 6:9


My buddy, Anne, asked for more photos of life in my world so here are a few...

Sammy The Cat all but destroyed one of my (yard sale find) lamps upstairs and well, have you seen lamp prices lately? I'd been meaning to take a different black lamp with a black shade to the Salvation Army bin down the street, but then I remembered the magic that is spray paint:

(Procrastination does come in handy sometimes.) So dark, but click to enlarge and you just may be able to see how I painted the base, white, and the shade, blue. Also, I spray-painted the eucalyptus valence thing both blue and white to go with the very monochromatic vibe I've got going in there.

Oh, and I've tied the lamp to the chair so that Sammy can't knock it over.  :)

Moving outside ...

You've heard of the annual Running of the Bulls in Spain? Well, around Hobbit Cottage it's the annual Rearranging of the Forget-Me-Nots, usually numbering around 80. They're not blooming yet, so don't strain your eyes looking for blue flowers.

But you may have to strain your eyes to see all the ice flowing down our river. Various parts of the Great Lakes still had 3-foot thick sections of ice last week(!) so they've had to break up lots of ice everywhere.

I've watched ice float down this river for twenty years and never tire of it.

Oh, and a couple weeks ago I made this little brick flower bed. The bricks were only .25 cents each at Home Depot, down from .60.

(Now to find something that will actually grow there.)

Can it really be? Can the trees finally be turning green around here?

 I'm thinking these bushes, below, are sort of suspended in Time. For a couple years they've not really been growing, not really been dead. heh.

Always remember that "Inch by inch, anything's a cinch." If you saw how slowly I move around here, what small dents I make in things at a time, (my back not being in great shape and 'the old grey mare ain't being what she used to be'),  you'd come away believing you can do anything. If you just dedicate a few minutes to tasks, rest, then come back to them, things will get done. Over time and with much patience.

It's when we take too big of bites all at once that we choke.


(Photo taken last year. No way is my herb garden that green yet.)


"And endurance produces character, and character produces hope ..."   ... Romans 5:4

"Do what you can, then trust God to do what you can't."  ... Joyce Meyer

"Follow your faith and not your fears!" ... Paula White


More free kindle books:

Oh, and remember the Isabella Bird book I recommended yesterday?  I found the free kindle version today here.


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Well, fixing that lamp into something pretty...that is using your head for more than a hatrack, as my mom used to say!! CUTE!!

    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Debra, love the idea of spray painting the lamp--spray paint works magic! Your yard looks lovely. Wish mine looked so neat, but it's a work in progress. Enjoy your beautiful haven.

  3. i always love what you do with your place ... and you are absolutely right ... bit by bit, we get things done ... i still feel fit at 60, but when i do lots in a day, then i don't do a thing for a few afterwards! ha! blessings at ya!

  4. Sue Matile3:52 PM

    I just discovered your blog and am reading through your past writings. I love your little house and what you have done to make it cozy. I am looking forward to reading of your thought on life and books.

  5. Elizabeth--thank-you! I love improving upon what I already own so that I can spend money on what I don't already have. heh. :)

    Pam--oh, don't worry... my yard is only a work in progress, too. I just showed you the 'nice side.' :)

    Saija--thanks! And you only look around 30--congrats on taking such good care of yourself (unlike someone I know, er hem, me!). :)

    Sue--it's always a treat to hear from new readers--thank-you much for commenting!

    Blessings, Debra

  6. I.love.spray.paint! It's fun to see the transformation. Your little room is just a wonder. Very comforting. Have you considered coleus for your newly bricked corner?


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.