Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Extreme Contentment on a Wednesday

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day! - Henry Drummond


I added another mirror to The Littlest Hobbit Room, both to reflect light and to act like a 'window' in this windowless room:

Gee, I love this cozy place. I look for excuses to sit in there.

That 'simplicity word' is thrown around a lot, but I think I really found it in this tiny room. It contains only what I truly need it to, nothing more. 

If only I could say that about my whole house!


Do you ever experience this? You're standing at your stove making chili on a sunny late afternoon while your back isn't hurting too much, then Art Garfunkel starts singing All I Know just as you look at your cats on the back porch while they wait for your husband to return. Then it comes to you, "Oh my. It's hard to believe that Heaven will be even better than this!"

God is so good. Happy sigh.


"Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercies endure forever."   ... Psalm 136:1


Today I finished reading A Lady's Life In the Rocky Mountains and truly, it had been a looong time since I'd enjoyed a book that much. (The link will take you to the free kindle copy.)

More free kindle books by this author:


  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    WOW, more cute and cozy!! Our apt has slanted roof and upper walls too...and we have to be a bit careful getting into and out of our as not to bump them. But something to be said about small and cozy huh?
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Good job on the new room. Looks like the cats are loving the sunshine-sweet. Joyce

  3. Elizabeth--yep, when we first moved here I had to learn how to live with these slope-y walls! Tricky, but doable, and hitting my head a few times quickly helped me remember to duck more. :)

    Joyce--thank-you! I really do love that room and of course you know that the cats and I are loving this warm sunshine! :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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