Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday With a Different Spin

From last year:

"Why do you seek the living One among the dead? "He is not here, but He has risen."   ... from Luke 24


So as I always tell you every single Good Friday, I hope you didn't come here expecting to hear the ol', "Don't be unhappy--- Sunday is coming!" thing.

Uh, no. 

I simply cannot put Jesus back in the tomb all over again, for I can't, not even for 2 minutes (and especially not for a whole Friday and Saturday!) imagine waiting around for Him to rise again, living without Him in the meantime. 

My relationship with Jesus is moment-by-moment. He's more of a real friend to me than any of you are, even (no offense) and I believe this is why I've not had one single desert experience over the last 20 years ( a desert? With He who is the Living Water? How does that even work?). It's because Jesus knows that--without a very real sense of His constant presence--I'd be a disaster, a basket case and Life would be all wrong and senseless and lonely and well, dreadful.

And He didn't die so that I (or anyone else) could switch from a worldly misery to a Christian misery. ( I know too many bummed-out, lonely Christians. It's sad.) No, Jesus died to give us abundant, overflowing, joy-infused Life. And that's what He, alone, gives me. Minute by minute, daily, year-around.

So today, yes, I'll recall Jesus' amazing sacrifice on the cross, but oh! Mostly I'll remember that He has already risen and is within me, beside me-- He has risen, indeed!


And also from 2013:

Before you go.... Guess who got these groceries for her basement stockpile today for only $5.04? Woo hoo!


Happy Easter to each of my kind readers!!



  1. Amen, blog sister.

  2. INSIGHT that only comes through a personal, intimate, heart-to-heart relationship with the Living Jesus through the Holy Spirit who lives within every born again child of GOD. Debra, you might not be a "preacher" in the formal sense of the word, but you have been given a "pulpit" that reaches many people. PRAISE THE LORD!

  3. Blessed and Joyful Easter, Debra and Tom! And Noemi, too!

  4. Just checking in at the end of a long day to say Happy Easter, Debra! We had a nice day at home and good weather so we were on the patio for our ham dinner. I hope you and Tom had a joyous day, too.

  5. Thank-you, Everyone, for your kind comments and well wishes! I hope each of you enjoyed a lovely Easter weekend. Blessings, Debra


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