Thursday, April 17, 2014

Around My House Lately

"Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me."   ... Psalm 54:4


Well. Yesterday I finally wallpapered my upstairs closet, heretofore to be called The Tiniest Hobbit Room. Oh, I still need to glue down a few edges (what's up with wallpaper edges lately?), but mostly the papering is finished. Thank-goodness.

And I decided to leave the ceiling white rather than paint it light blue, mostly because I'm just getting too old for these shenanigans.

Oh dear. After emptying this room then running crawling up the stairs 25 times yesterday to hang this wallpaper (needing the kitchen sink and no, I don't like wallpaper troughs, but ok, I'm rethinking them), I felt every single one of my 55 years. By the time I replaced everything and Tom had arrived home (and one strained leg muscle later) I was walking about like a decrepit 90-year-old. Oh, it was bad.

But today I'm (kinda sorta) fine, in love with the results and can't wait to stay in there when Naomi arrives Monday night. The bed? My own idea: when it's finished, it will consist of 6 plastic bins (holding storage items), two flattened moving boxes, two blankets folded in half, all topped by one foam 'mattress' with bed linens. Took some crazy searching online, but I found the perfect foam roll at, which they quickly mailed to me.

Progress. Don't you love it when you push past laziness inertia and just get up and do the thing you've been procrastinating? Oh, what a feeling. :)


 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”   ... Joshua 1:9

For the joy of the Lord is your strength."   ... Nehemiah 8:10


I finished reading the free kindle book, The Mystery of Hurtleberry House, and truly enjoyed it. This morning I bought the sequel, The Island of Living Trees. This author's writing style is perfect for cozy mysteries, imo.


Order the free Sun Maid Raisin 100th Anniversary Recipe Booklet here. (Or you can choose to download it, also.)


  1. It is absolutely lovely Debra!

  2. Dolores11:30 AM

    You are one clever girl Debra!

  3. Debra, you truly a Proverbs 31 wife and more. Not only are you a blessing to your hubby, Tom, you bless everyone around you. You are Gifted by GOD, and it is never wasted.

  4. Love the wallpaper! It is going to be a very cozy, relaxing area.

    Thanks for the heads up on the the Kindle book.

    If you haven't read, Scent of Lilacs by Ann Gabhart, the Kindle version is still free on I really liked it.


  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Clever ideas, Debra...and pretty!
    Elizabeth in WA

  6. Debra, your hobbit room is simply lovely! You should be proud to have finished this project. Just think of all those trips up and downstairs, plus the added frustration of hanging gooey, dripping wallpaper. My hat's off to you. Your idea for a bed is simply genius. Have a blessed Easter!

  7. Thanks, Everyone, for your compliments! I appreciate them much. I spent the night in my new little room last night and enjoyed it. My bed worked out great!

    Nancy--thank-you for the book recommendation! I went over and 'bought it' for my kindle after getting your recommendation because you and I tend to like the same kinds of books!

    Thanks again, All..... Debra

  8. OMGoodness I absolutely LOVE the room! It's adorable!

  9. It's adorable! My favorite parts are the wallpaper and the fluffy pillows. You're motivated by Naomi's impending visit! That's the only thing that motivates me in our empty nest. : /

  10. Lovely room and wallpaper, and wow, you invented a bed!


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