Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Always Leave Room for Surprises

'Twill be another white Christmas at Hobbit Cottage...


Anyway. I forgot to tell you what happened last Friday...First, I received a wonderful email that morning from a new-to-my-blog reader, a double-kindred-spirit that blessed my very heart and which would have been plenty, but something else happened after that.

Remember when, last December, I mailed a letter to my junior high choir/general music teacher from Sacramento after snooping doing research online and discovering his home address? 

Well, I heard nothing back so the temptation was to assume that perhaps I'd not found the correct address after all. Or maybe 'Mr. Brown' (I'll call him) had moved or died(!) or my letter dropped out of the mailman's bag and flew under a bus or even, perhaps he got my letter, read it, smiled, then threw it into the little trash can beside his desk for any of a thousand reasons.

Hey, this having an imagination can be both a blessing and a curse.  :)

But guess what? On Friday I received a box in the mail from Mr.Brown. Oh my! And suddenly Christmas came early this year, for he'd included a sweet letter to me, his email address and a Christmas cd full of songs he'd sang. Also inside was a cd of his daughter's songs plus the lovely (and creative) funeral program from his relative's service (that's mostly how I found him online) which included this incredible piece that was found in her Bible, plus, the cd from her service and another cd, even, this one by Mr. Brown's wife and a small booklet.

Wow. An out-of-the-blue surprise, hearing from a teacher of 40 long years ago. And trust me, I felt relieved that I'd not rented space inside my head to those doubt-filled imaginings and I was certainly grateful that I'd not voiced those things for, as I've mentioned here mega times, the power of life and death are still in our words (Prov. 18:21), Old Testament scripture or not (read The News lately and that's obvious).

Anyway, today on this Christmas Eve may you leave wide open spaces for out-of-the-blue surprises. May you sow a zillion good seeds and never cease watching for their harvest, forever believing that God wants to bless you out of your ever-loving-Him mind. Suddenly, creatively, lovingly.

A very merry Christmas to all my special readers who put up with my rather odd and quirky musings year after year..!


"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."   ...Proverbs 18:21

"Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."   ...Proverbs 16:24


A couple who've lived under a rock for 30 years(!)


  1. What a wonderful Christmas surprise! I wish I remembered my teachers' names...

  2. Merry Christmas, Lori and Robin! Blessings, Debra

  3. Rosemary9:41 AM

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, Debra! Your blog is like a little gift I receive all year long. Love, joy, and peace today and always.

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    What a nice surprise from your old teacher!! Such things are so nice in life!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  5. Rosemary--you are so kind! Thank-you and I hope your Christmas was very special.

    Elizabeth--yes! It was one of those memorable surprises in life. Glad you had a peaceful Christmas!

    Thanks, Ladies... Debra

  6. What a great surprise!
    And I love you and your quirky musings. I find you, and them, delightful!

  7. Aww Judy... you're a peach! Thank-you. Much. .... Debra


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