Thursday, October 10, 2013

Normal Is Back!

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."   ... Colossians 3:15


Yay! Tom arrived home late Tuesday night.

I came downstairs from bed, we chatted for an hour about his California adventures then all day Wednesday we had one of our famous (to us) Normal Days Off where I went grocery shopping early then we watched Netflix and spent time online looking at houses for sale that I'd found while he'd been away.

Yes, I'm still looking at houses for sale, but okay, winter is creeping too close to even consider actually moving. So why still look? I'm getting to better know myself and what I love.

We both loved this house from the year 1900:

That place had more rooms downstairs than I'd seen in any of my wild online searches, even in super-expensive houses--it even had a sunroom:

And the bedroom upstairs? The one which would become the new Debra's World?

Oh wow. Just shove a little bed in the corner and leave the rest of the room empty so that I could make a ballet studio. Or something.

And all this for just $34,900!

Of course... we'd have to look past the area it's in (that one I never feel 'right' in) and the fact that there's a factory in the backyard:

Heh. At least it looks like a factory. Or something.

Oh well. A couple can dream, can't they? And we can learn what truly makes our hearts sing by sifting through the good, bad and even worse. By paying attention we can create changes within our own house to reflect the lessons others' homes have taught us.

I can paint my walls similar colors to those in the photos I've loved and clear away clutter if space makes me feel freer. Prettier paper can be purchased for my drawers and new contact for my kitchen cabinets. We can save-up for bigger changes and various annoying details around here can be fixed if we'd choose to tackle them rather than just complain.

We could actually create a whole new home life (or close to it) if we'd actively seek to understand inside what we're willy-nilly searching for outside.

But that could be said for many areas of Life.

So anyway, Tom and I so enjoyed his final day of bereavement leave and now we are back to Normal, Normal being a very, very good thing around Hobbit Cottage. Even Daniel and Sammy The Cats seem relieved--and happy--about Normal's return.


Call me naïve, but I believe any person can create a marvelous Normal. It does, though, require the ability to say no, a positive attitude, some wisdom, knowing oneself, gratitude, a strong imagination and doses of creativity. But it's possible... and worth the effort.



  1. Back to Normal, a great achievement. I like the photos of the house, and it would be great to have a sun room, but then the neighborhood is disappointing.

  2. Terra--yes! Normal is wonderful when your normal is wonderful. heh. :) I do miss a sunroom, but I appreciate our safe neighborhood more. Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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