Monday, August 05, 2013

The Sofa Saga Continues (Or, Will Debra's Living Room Ever Have Color?)

:Oh! Yesterday we actually bought this amazing couch and I am thrilled. I can't wait until it arrives, yet I'll have to wait until the 13th (long story), but in the meantime? I'm hoping to paint the large wall behind our current hideous couch and perhaps our front door wall, also.

Oh, but at the store I was sorely tempted when we saw this retro couch which screamed 1950's Elegance:

The sides and back are rounded and as the reviewers stated, this photo does it no justice at all. Oh, and the couch included this gorgeous chair which would have looked divine upstairs in Debra's World:

Regularly these would be $1,350, yet they were a one-time special deal at only $700. Oy! Such enormous temptation and I nearly went insane. But no. No! This classy red sofa  had wafted inside my dreams for weeks and I knew I'd someday be sorry if I veered from those dreams. I've too often, in the Past, traveled down The Safe Route.
It's like my favorite definition of wisdom: "Wisdom is doing today what you'll be satisfied with later on."
The best houses at Kim's Daisy Cottage Blog? They never veer down that Safe Route and--because I know myself now (and because of the zillions of hours I've haunted Kim's house tours)--neither did I. Besides, too many of you would have screamed in my comment box if I'd caved-in. :)

Finally we will have color in our living room! Here's a similar color like what I chose from Home Depot (broke my boycott to do it. Sigh.). The actual color is a bit lighter, though... like a happy light field of sage:

Now, I considered taking a 'before photo' and then sharing it later along with an 'after photo.' But I decided, nope, better not. Why? Because I don't think our current living room looks that bad, but some may comment, "Wow. Your living room sure looks better than the mess you had before!" And then I'd have to pray against becoming offended. heh.
When you blog for nine years, you learn a few things about others and about yourself, as well. You may even glean a bit of common sense and learn not to make some crazy mistakes (she cringes while trying to recall her own ill-chosen words of the Past!).
So there you go. Stay tuned.
"Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble."   ... Proverbs 21:23


  1. Our master bath got a similar coat of paint this past autumn. I love it. LOVE it. I am now campaigning to paint ALL the rest of the interior walls in the house. Haven't made a dint in stubborn hubby yet, but I'm working on him gently. There are paint swatches up in all the rooms and now and then I'll ask which he likes BEST:-P

  2. Rosemary8:59 PM

    I like your choices, Debra, and can't wait to see the final results.

  3. Terri--the idea with the paint swatches is a great one! I'll have to remember it. :)

    Rosemary--thank-you! Perhaps by Wednesday of next week I'll be ready to show some pictures. I'm looking forward to having it all finished, myself. :)

    Thanks, Ladies! ... Debra


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