Sunday, August 04, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Politically Correct

First the good news... Remember when I turned all heart-broken because, after just a year, our wonderful local retro radio station was yanked from the air? Well, last week I discovered WJJL, another vintage music station and --although not quite as spiffy as the previous one-- now Hobbit Cottage's walls ring again with old-style happy tunes. I am beyond grateful. This station has been around for 60 years--what took me so long to find it??

Now, I still use that kitchen radio of mine to tune into the French music station, a classical one and a couple Christian stations, but finally my listening opportunities are complete. Happy sigh.

More good news... Last night we went out for a steak dinner at a classy place with our financial advisor and his wife, a lovely young woman we'd not yet met. Tom technically earned us that dinner because, through recommendations at his previous job, he helped our advisor sign-up with an additional 4 clients.

When I told this young mom that Naomi was 33, her eyes became wide. She said Tom and I don't look old enough to have a daughter that age! Now, people used to say that all the time eons ago, but lately, nobody even bats an eyelash when they see my graying hair and then "do the math inside their heads" and figure we're in our 50's. So now this woman is one of my favorite people. :)

The bad news? Our new vacuum cleaner is--after having been repaired--messing up again. Grr. At least we have a back-up vacuum now, for Tom bought one at a yard sale for only $3. Perhaps we'll just stick with those as we've tended to over the decades. Sigh.

And one last bit of 'bad news'.... When I received Hal Lindsey's latest newsletter, my own eyes got wide because his thoughts had been my exact ones this past month (though his were more detailed and eloquent). Now, that part was kinda cool, but what we're both seeing for our Country's future is not cool. Decide for yourself here, if you dare!


And to end this on a happier note.... Maybe Tom and I will buy a new red couch today!



  1. Your week has been up, down and all around. I will take a look at the link you suggest.

  2. Oh, I must post again to tell you that your side bar of I Recommend has some wonderful ideas in it and I went to my Amazon account and put Tales from Avonlea in my wishlist. I look forward to buying it in future and watching it.

  3. Hi Terra! You'll love Tales From Avonlea! That's a set I never tire of. Did you watch them on tv when they aired or in reruns? It's so great to be able to watch that show anytime--so much inspiration in so many areas! :) Thanks for commenting... Debra


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