Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Scarlet Couch = Finally Here!

Yay! After what felt like an eternal wait (long story, one where Debra probably got a C- on the test part of it), the couch has arrived. And I am in love.

And the painting is mostly done except for behind the hutch where I'll probably leave that until moving day, as I did on the farm. You should have seen me out there, wielding my paintbrush while the movers removed the hoosier cabinet from the area I'd not been able to reach years before with a brush.

Hey. That's how I roll. :)

Anyway, I'm thrilled and now I think I'll traipse downstairs to actually try out the couch by watching a tv show while sitting upon it, the big test, but of course! (I just couldn't wait to share these photos with you, first.)



Color! Our living room finally has some real color. The first word that comes to mind is no longer 'brown.' Thank-goodness.
Oh, and remember... the shade of green (or red/scarlet) you're seeing on your computer may or may not be close to the actual shade(s) in Real Life. :)


  1. Rosemary11:49 PM

    Love the changes you've made, Debra, and your sofa looks really soft and comfy, too.

  2. Anonymous12:02 AM

    WOWEE...purdy fancy!! You SURE you want to sit on that couch?? heh...

    Elizabeth, still in WA


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