Sunday, August 11, 2013

Debra's Latest Test

 "The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore."   ... Psalm 121:7,8

So. When Naomi left for Nashville, it was two years following the big 100 Year Flood. Though a tad nervous, I recall thinking, "Hey! At that rate, it'll be a real  l--o--n--g time before Nashville floods again."


As you probably heard, Nashville flooded again and this time Naomi's there and now the test has been for me not to worry about her, not to soak my head in flood news reports (but instead, God's promises), nor imagine her swimming past the Grand Old Opry. Sigh.

Well, she's not floated away anywhere, but she is searching for a new place to live, for her room has 3 inches of water, has always been on low ground and is beginning to smell moldy. I love the set-up she has there--she and a friend are managers of the house and it's up to them to keep the rooms rented, so they rent them to organic-smoothie- music-and-cat-loving girls just like themselves. heh. But anyway, I've always felt very comfortable with her in that type of living situation--it's even in a country-like setting.

Alas. So now I'm praying she'll find an equally good set-up, though one on much higher ground! Any other prayers on her behalf would be much appreciated. It's been a blessing to watch how well she's handling it all and with such a positive attitude.

Now, if only her mom can stay that positive....!


What I'm rereading: 

Chicken Every Sunday: My Life With Mother's Boarders.  Oh! I hope you've read this. If you need to get away to a better place, this book will take you there. And for those of you who enjoy books where houses are fixed-up, this book has some of that, as well. And a whole lot of humor. A true story, one I've reread probably 10 times.

In the way of disclaimers, some language reflects the early times in which this was written. Oh, and I always add this:  The first chapter begins with some rather scandalous-sounding undertones (er hem!), but never fear... I would never recommend a book that takes you there. :)


"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..."   ... 2 Corinthians 10:5

2 Samuel 22:3-4   "My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence. 4 I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised..." 


  1. Praying for your girl...
    And thanks for reminding me of this book. I just ordered it to take on an upcoming vacation!
    LOVE this modern age (well, SOME of it...) I can order a book from my comfy couch in the den and hear my husband holler from his porch swing "What did you order now?" when he gets the confirmation on his Notebook.

  2. Oh Judy! Knowing you and your sense of humor as I do, I know you'll love this book! The author's parents were one of a kind, her mother, especially, was so inspiring. Tell me what you think of this book and do enjoy your vacation! Blessings, Debra

  3. I hope your daughter finds a wonderful place to stay. Her current place sounds ideal, well, until the 3 inches of water in it. Ugh.
    The book is a new one to me, I will keep it in mind, I like humor.
    A book I like is "My Family and Other Animals" by Gerald Durrell, his memoir of his childhood living on an island with LOTS of pets.

  4. Terra--thanks for your good wishes! And I, too, have My Family and Other Animals--got it just last year. A really funny and lovely book! Blessings, Debra

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I jave the book but I realize now I never finished it! I have a tendency to be reading several books at a time. I read one biography say and one novel and one text or such. I went on to another book and didn't finish that one so I will now that I realize it. Yes, I liked it! Count me in on the prayer chain. Sarah


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