It was comfy. Ultra-practical for the days we hobbled inside, exhausted, covered in farm dirt. Stylish. But now? It's none of those things:
Oh dear. The frame broke so we placed piles of books beneath it and then a board and more books under two of the cushions. To the cats, this dilapidated sofa functions as a gifted giant scratching post.
Debra lays on that broken-down couch when she watches tv and then feels like an elderly pregnant lady while trying to lift her aching back off the old thing in a sort of rolling motion.
It's sad.
But now--don't laugh--here is the couch I'm dreaming about:

Ohhhh, I want it. Bad. I want to paint a light, 'happy green' wall behind it, also.
And yes! Red is crazy. Daring. Who even has a red couch? Well, I don't know, but my favorite decorators like her and her have some red furniture and my heart always sings while I stare at their rooms. I memorize their home photos and drool over all that color!
Oh, how I need some color.
Bleh. No wonder I stopped decorating in there. The whole thing is so brown, so uninspiring and puts me to sleep.
Tom's not crazy about the idea of a red couch, but like I told him--he got to choose the color of his recliner so why can't I choose the color of our couch? Hmmm? (He actually paused and gave some serious thought to the logic of that statement.) :)
Stay tuned.
"And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill... and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze..." ... Exodus 35:31,32
Oh, I just want what we all want: a comfortable couch, a nice beverage, a weekend of no distractions and a book that will stop time, lift me out of my quotidian existence and alter my thinking forever.
Elizabeth Gilbert
Oh! And I'm going to include a new "feature" in my blog, something I should have added years ago. At the end of assorted posts I'll include "What I'm Reading" (or "What I'm Re-reading", as the case may be). I'll try to always encase the titles in a link.
So for today?
What I'm Re-reading: Stillmeadow Seasons by Gladys Taber. Ah Gladys... perfect reading for a quiet summer morning.