Monday, June 03, 2013

Ways I've Customized My Life

"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."   ...  Matthew 7:7

Some people. Gah.

You've probably noticed I enjoy YouTube videos of songs from my teen years. Well, I've got this annoying habit of reading the comments below these videos and frankly? I find it odd and sad and ok--pathetic--how many people say, "These old songs are wonderful! When I hear today's music I want to scream. It's all garbage."

Good grief.

If you don't like today's music, why listen to it? (And why hurt other peoples' feelings by trashing it?) Any style of music is available online and can be uploaded to whatever electronic device. We still have oldie radio stations and the whole Sirius thing, not to mention record albums one can buy on Ebay or from any Salvation Army or Goodwill store. Don't like the music your supermarket or local Target plays? Carry your ipod with you.

Only when we stop complaining about our world, can we begin to create a new, custom-made one we love.

I, personally, don't like heavy traffic or crowds so you'll find me driving nearly-empty streets and arriving at Home Depot's garden section around 8:00 a.m. I'm at my supermarket earlier than that, before they've turned on all their lights, even (you know, the energy savings thing), enjoying wide, semi-people-less aisles after parking in a virtually empty lot. And mostly? I only visit two stores--and my sanity thanks me.

Not liking high grocery prices, I pay what I choose by combining sales with coupons. And not liking long waits, I make dentist/doctor appointments for first thing in the morning. Mornings--the enchanted time of day. 

At home I wear aprons and turn on Leave It To Beaver while dusting or shaking out rugs over the porch railing. I listen to three radio stations with three different types of music to match whichever mood I'm in. 

Nothing to watch on tv? No problem--Tom and I have Netflix (or Hulu, the free one) where our favorite old or new tv series are available anytime, morning or evening, and we also own dvd's of other shows/movies to watch whenever.

The books I believe are the best ever written are all available to either purchase or read online. Same for magazines and cookbooks--all still here from any decade of my choosing. I can find online groups who thrive on anything old-fashioned, even meeting some of these folks in Real Life.

Tom and I can invite people over to our home for meals, even if few others seem to do that nowadays. We take country drives, visit old-fashioned diners, fairs, garage sales and retro car shows. We can still take a train across the nation or visit sights which have been around a very, very long time.

I can live in a modern world yet still custom-design my daily life with a bit of 1960's here, some 1970's there. Come to my house any afternoon and it just may be 1940. I can pick the best of any decade, bring it close and add it to my personal mix.

I am not a victim. I'm not helpless, spineless, or a puppet or fate-screwed nor must I go along with this 2013 world. And neither must you.

Each day we can have the best of what we've made up our minds to have within our heads, our hearts, our homes. Anything is possible! But no complaining, excuse-making or giving-up allowed.


"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need."   ... Philippians 4:11,12

"Then He touched their eyes, saying, "It shall be done to you according to your faith."   ... Matthew 9:29


Oh, and my last post about long hair? You'll cringe, but this is what I truly meant on the deepest level: If a woman has just 8 long strands of hair on her otherwise-bald head--and they make her feel beautiful--that's terrific. Her hair (or lack thereof) is not my business and really, I have no right to express a negative opinion to her, to crumble her confidence or (going deeper) to speak with anyone else about her.

See? I told you you would cringe. :) 

But not until this Bible verse became a part of me did I experience deepest, sweetest levels of peace in my daily life:

"And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own business, and to work with your hands..."   ... 1 Thessalonians 4:11 ...

... and I've no plans to go back to my unsettling, old nosey-body ways anytime soon.


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I agree. Sometimes I wonder how many hours a year we can take of our lives complaining and murmuring and thinking of others antics and not keeping our mind on better things. What a total waste.
    What we choose to read, see or hear is basically our choice so why are we complaining if WE let it happen. There are times, ask me how I know, when you cannot get away from Loud tv etc you do Not want to see or hear but your attitude a bout it sure makes a difference. Also at times you can schedule things to do outside. Everyone has challenges in life. How do you handle it makes a whole lot of difference. Ear buds are not an option or I would use them. :-) Growing up we had music of many decades in our home. Classical to , popular, church to rock and roll. Therefore there seems to be a constant music channel in my mind! A Very enjoyable channel !!!! I am so grateful for the wonderful memories and the beautiful words to so many songs. Thanks for the message today Pollyanna. :) ;) Sarah

  2. I like reading about how you have customized your life so it works well for you and is enjoyable; I think I do a bit of that too. My favorite music now is what I hear and sing in church, with the worship band. Loud and rather rocking. Your Scripture quotes are great guides to treating people well.

  3. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Well, even when in trying circumstances (someone who delights in stomping just moved in apt above us)...ah, but we are only here for less than 5 more months!!! And we decided if ever we bought a condo, it would only be lease if we learned the floors were such as these, we could leave!! Plus a lot of hours we are over helping daughter, running errands etc...and we do have a couple trips planned. I cannot get ear buds that fit either...wish I could. But you are fortunate to be able to arrange your schedule so as to go in peace to shop etc, is a great idea to go at times when others are not there so much. We always compliment those stores, restaurants etc. that play pleasant soothing background music too...making shopping so nice. Still find some around. Small towns have their own charm...sounds like you are in one.

    Enjoy your long hair!! You are indeed fortunate to have it.

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