Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Great Deals & Free Food (Or Sometimes It Pays to Procrastinate)

Not interested in saving money? Better move on to the next blog...  :)


So! Remember when we found this like-new 'electric woodstove' for just $10 at a yard sale? Well, as Tom predicted, I eventually stole it for Debra's World upstairs. But hey, it saved us lots of money that way--we didn't need our big natural gas heater nearly as often.

Yet many times I carried that stove downstairs (backwards--it's easier that way) on days when Tom and I watched movies together or on afternoons when sunshine spilled all over the dining room table and I'd sit there and read. But really, 54-year-old ladies ought not to carry stoves backwards down stairs, so we planned to buy another one at Home Depot.

Yet we kept procrastinating, mostly since it's just been too cold to go anywhere one didn't absolutely neeeed to go.

Sometimes it pays to procrastinate.

Remember how I've encouraged you to sign-up with a few of your local coupon bloggers? Well, yesterday one of mine went to Rite Aid where she found a heater nearly identical to ours marked down to just $29.99 from $119.00. I thanked her (through her Facebook page) and told her I'd certainly go heater hunting today! So guess what I found at our local Rite Aid? The very last heater on the shelf and for just $29.99.

Tom said he's very proud of me. Happy sigh. :)

And no more carrying a heater up and down the stairs. Whew.

Using coupons with sale items. It's great fun buying groceries for 1970's prices and even getting lots of them for free. Great. Fun.


Only last week did I discover the pilot episode online of Extreme Couponing. I really like Joyce on that episode. She'd be a blast to know in-person and I highly admire her for giving coupon lessons to all of her fellow shoppers in the store aisles! Gee, I wish I was brave enough to do that. I am, though, considering teaching a free couponing class in my home someday. That would be great fun, also.


"... Freely you have received; freely give." ...   Matthew 10:8


Why share these types of money-saving posts sometimes? So to spread hope that yes! God can still help us buy groceries and other items cheaply in today's extremely expensive world.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I started giggling reading your l o n g list of coupon deals! Every time I thought I had read the last I scrolled down to more!!!! LOL How fun!!!! To quote Laurance Welk...Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!!!! And now with the second heater, no matter where you sit and cut out your coupons you will be warm!!!! :) Sarah


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