Friday, March 22, 2013

Creating Your Own Life

  “Be still, and know that I am God.."   ... Psalm 46:10 


More snow here last night. Sigh.

But you know? Snow outside my windows can't stop me from dreaming about Springtime and gardening. When you have an imagination, you are rich. You can have just about anything you want.

My favorite people are those who dream first, then create what they dreamed. They don't give you fifty reasons why they're a victim who never has any fun, nor do they listen to Negative Nellies. No, they take you by the hand and show you all around the bright, custom-made world they created from what they'd first imagined.

Yep, those Dreamer-Doer types inspire me. Much.


Do you still have snow outside your windows, too?  Well, here are some free (as of today) gardening books for your Kindle (the amazon kindle cloud reader, as you know, is free. Just sayin'.) to help you dream and plan your next garden when Springtime finally does arrive. 

Never, ever let money (or the lack thereof) deter you from dreaming, planning or going out and getting what you want, even if you have to create and tweak it, yourself. Doing that usually makes it more meaningful, anyway.

Where there's God's will, there's always a way. When you have an imagination, desire and God's blessing, you can usually find exactly what you need for creating a Life you'll love. That's what I say, anyway. :)

How To Grow More Vegetables

Home Vegetable Gardening

Gardening For Little Girls

Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing And Uses

Organic Gardener's Composting

Small Gardens and How to Make The Most of Them

Vegetable Garden Pest Control

Gardening Without Irrigation. Or Without Much, Anyway

12 Best Herbs For Flavor and How to Grow Them


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."   ... John 14:27


"What God orders, He pays for."   ... Joyce Meyer



  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Thanks for more links, Debra...later when I have more time. I cringe however when I see the term "negative nellie" because one of the loveliest kin my hubby has/had was such a dear lady..anything but negative!!

    Elizabeth in VA

  2. Elizabeth--of course, I'm not speaking of your relative. There is that.

    I've just come to use that term lately because it's so much shorter than "negative people who tell you exactly why you cannot do the things which God has placed inside your heart."

    Everyday in my writing I aim to be succinct--I work on each post for over an hour, eliminating useless words and the term 'negative Nelly' is an aid in that.

    I'm glad you're enjoying the links! Blessings, Debra

  3. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Well, maybe you had a negative Nellie in your life...I can think of several other names more deserving of that term in mine! HA! Like April, or Laura, for starters!! Tis a fact that we associate names with those we have known who carried them!! There was a kid in my class in 6th grade with a name that my parents chose for my youngest brother born that year. I BEGGED THEM to PLEASE NOT use that name. I cannot remember anymore why I did not like that boy, but I am forever doomed to have his face in my mind because that is my younger brother's name!! ARGH!! (My brother is not too keen on the name either...heh!! (But not because of how I feel) they SHOULD have listened to me, eh?? Well, I he cannot blame me either!!)

    Elizabeth in VA

  4. Elizabeth--the only Nellie I've known is the one from Laura Ingalls Wilder's books, but I never thought of her, either, when I came up with the Negative Nellie term. The alliteration of the n's is what I was going after, something I learned from writing class decades ago.

    If I used the names, Laura or April, other people could tell me oh! but I know such a sweet Laura (or April) and you bother me when you use them negatively.

    So what to do? There comes a time when we need to grow-up, beyond our feelings, and into godly maturity. That will serve us well and keep us from having our feelings hurt in a myriad of other needless ways.

    God desires that we mature and He does not want us being upset with others who had absolutely no intention of hurting us. That will always be more important than forcing others to do what we want. And we will come to know thousands of good days, instead, of sad, offended ones. Blessings, Debra

  5. Anonymous9:05 AM

    INdeed it is common for folks to run with things to places we never intended!! Indeed.

    Blessings, Elizabeth in VA


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