Friday, January 18, 2013

Uniqueness. It's A Good Thing.

Remember how I said I'm not interested in genealogy?

Well, I'm still not. :)

But. Earlier this week I read online obituaries from past months from the California mountain town where I lived from ages 17 to 29. Feeling all nostalgic, I then discovered a webpage with a list of everybody who's buried in the town's cemetery.

Now, that's my idea of fun afternoons. It's also my own brand of genealogy. 

Though I attended only one actual burial there, I remembered lots of those folks, those pioneers of that tiny place. I searched online for their obituaries, found a few, and even some news articles from the 1940's which told of birthday parties (and who specifically attended), garden club activities and out-of-town guests. 

I felt very like Emily Webb from the movie, Our Town, while picturing these dearly-recalled townspeople buried upon those silent acres. I found that some of their children (my classmates, many) still lived in that town or now in neighboring states.

Never feel like you must enjoy exactly what others do... never feel like an outsider because your tastes, activities, talents and lifestyle vary from the norm.

God is so amazingly creative and I've a feeling the word 'norm' isn't even in His vocabulary.


Still not sure of your gifts/talents/calling/purpose? If I didn't feel it's so vital to know those, I wouldn't keep talking about it. I always feel sad when I chat with any adult who has never discovered their specific, God-implanted purpose in Life. Too often they've lived unfulfilled, wandering, wondering sorts of lives.

So, because I treasure practicality, here are some online tests/articles which may help you understand yourself and your talents better:

Your Hidden Talent (A quiz)

How To Find Your Hidden Talent (An article)

How To Find a Talent (An article with some guidance questions)

There are many other books, tests, quizzes, articles out there to help lead you to your purpose in this life. It's such an exciting thing to be used by God to bless others in your own unique way!


“You are the only you God made... God made you and broke the mold.” 
― Max LucadoCure for the Common Life: Living in Your Sweet Spot

“I don't fit into any stereotypes. And I like myself that way.” 
― C. JoyBell C.


Coupon Reminders:

Always take all of your coupons with you when you shop. Many stores have unadvertised specials and it pays to be able to whip out a coupon to combine with it.

Each week create your shopping list (and meals) around the items on sale which you'll then match with coupons for double the savings.

Keep your Sunday supplement coupons from previous weeks in a file. I used to clip what I wanted from mine, then toss the rest away and then be sorry when a coupon blogger later pointed-out a free or nearly-free deal on a brand/item I hadn't considered buying, perhaps because it's usually more expensive than alternate brands. There are tons of great deals out there nowadays, so now you never know and now I always save those coupon pages from the Sunday paper.



  1. Apparently I'm an artist.

  2. Kim--Well, I've always thought you were! The way you decorate your home is truly inspired. Honest. (Besides, being an artist is just another way of saying a person is creatively-minded and there are a host of ways to be that!) Blessings, Debra

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Concerning Genealogy, perhaps this has to do more with not being a interest took off after some little ones came along. But now?? Well, I am not as much interested because of our lack of interaction with them. Still I am working here and there on leaving behind what information I have anyway...and photos. The past is important because it helps us go forward when we know from whence we came. I am very glad I learned (accidently from my standpoint while researching a totally different area) of my ancient lineage on one line. Because knowing that has given much more meaning to my existence to this point. I belong, anciently at least, to 2 people groups who have always been persecuted and disregarded. (I am not saying that made up all my life, but many rejections I never understood and now I do understand...evidently what I did not know about myself, could at least be "sensed" by those controlled by the Adversary). Helped me a lot to learn this!!

    Elizabeth in VA now

  4. Elizabeth--thanks for your thoughts! For me, I see it more like 2 Corinthians 5:17 says:

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

    God has made me into something totally different than my relatives are/have been and He's done the same for many of them. I'm not limited by my ancestors' limitations and my gifts/talents are from God, *not* from people.

    I am a new person now, many of my relatives are new, and I believe old, ancestral history is one of the things which has passed away, according to that 2 Cor. verse. That also means old family/generational curses, and tendencies toward anger, jealousies, childishness, etc.

    When God sets us free, He truly sets us *free*. Free, indeed, from just some natural flow we would have otherwise felt captive to.

    I prefer to read about the people I've known personally and to find out what happened to the ones I left behind (I moved much when I was younger). I find them way more interesting--always have.

    Thanks again! Blessings, Debra


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