Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh Well!

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."  ... Proverbs 3:6


Yesterday Tom had the day off, but he got called in for a mandatory meeting (for everyone) with the powers-that-be. Tom thought it odd (even considering this meeting-happy plant) and we both agreed that--if the news was bad--we still had God, the best provider, ever.

Tom later returned, rang that doorbell thingy from the car, and so I ran outside with no coat into the 10 degrees (after 36 years in snow country I'm super-acclimated) to carry bags inside from Dollar Tree, where he'd stopped for caps and gloves. From the driver's seat Tom told me, "I picked up some dessert since the bosses announced the plant would be running only another 4 to 6 weeks. Then they'll shut it all down."

Oh well.

At least this time (unlike in 2010), rumors and gossip had been flying like whole flocks of eagles, so we're feeling no real shock. And oh, this time we listened closely to God (who sees the future) and did not ignore tiny warnings inside our hearts. We prepared like mad. 

Instead of talking another 20 years about saving 8 months of expenses--we finally just did it. Our kitchen and basement are stuffed with sales+couponed groceries, we replaced tons of worn-out things like a good bed for Tom's back and dishtowels, underwear, bath towels and clothes. We insulated the house, had it painted and had concrete put in all around the garage and inside it--no more using a snow shovel to push out three-inch-deep water(!)

And we have no debt, not even little Hobbit Cottage, other than her taxes, the first half which we already paid this year. Also, we gave a lot--we replenished our 'giving account,' you know:

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." ... Luke 6:38

... since it probably reached near-bottom those 20 unemployment months when, like a heavenly savings account, we reaped from it.

Truly, God knows best and oh, when we listen to Him! My, my, my... everything changes. Everything. These past 9 months have felt like such a gift, a godly reprieve and one long, long blessing.

And, too, after those 20 months of previous unemployment we remember those cascading financial miracles from God's hand and we have no fear, no doubt of His provision. He's brought us too far along for that kind of doubting stuff. 

We're choosing instead to just keep plugging along with Him in the driver's seat for He takes us to the most adventurous and interesting places! 



"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”   ... Hebrews 13:5


Tom and I have a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Stay tuned to see which we choose or rather God takes us a whole other way. :)



  1. Not wonderful news but like you, I've seen God supply what's needed just at the right time and I'm confident he'll keep you in his hands.

  2. So sorry to hear about Tom's job. If you ever need anything let me know.

  3. Debra, I love your positive attitude! You are a blessing to all who reads your blog! May God supply all your needs,I know he will!

  4. I'm sorry to hear this. I know that you are prepared, but I'm sure there are co-workers of Tom's who are not. I'm thinking of, and now praying for, the co-worker of Tom's who got Christmas day off due to Tom's (and your) kindness.
    Keep casting your bread upon the water...

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    So sorry to hear this, but so good that you were able to prepare so well the last 9 months! Will be interested to hear how and what plan you decide to go with next. Not sure if Tom would qualify for some kind of disability, but friends of ours who had to get on it prior to retirement make BIG bucks on it...close to what they made when working. WEll, like most people I know, us included...we either have time or money, but not both at the same time!! But as you say GOD knows and will take care of you.
    Elizabeth now in VA

  6. It is great being prepared. What a difference in attitude that makes.
    Looking forward to hearing about plans A,B and C.


  7. Anonymous12:41 AM

    It certainly puts your mind at ease knowing you have prepared in so many valuable ways. Most of the things done on your home to make it cozy and secure will never have to be done again. Great plan. Yes we will all still be here to see the next episode in what God has planned for you and Tom. I too hope the other families have tried to prepare and are not totally surprised by the news. Keep your list of Netflix tv shows and movies close and the pop corn ready!! :) You will have time to cozy together and watch some good shows soon! :-) Tom has really worked hard..very hard, these last months. Sarah

  8. Julie nliT1:51 AM

    I am disappointed to hear of Tom's job situation. I lament that the USA is not making more of its own goods, as it was in the glory days. I pray that this change leads to Blessings. I do worry about the others who may not have your Faith and planning. Looking forward to more positive days ahead!


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