Monday, December 17, 2012

TCM Remembers 2012

Found the latest TCM Remembers this morning online. Here you go. These always put me in the mood to watch old movies in dark theaters/rooms, to escape into other places (especially now) and I loved this year's TCM idea of using an old drive-in movie theater. Perfection.

I'd not heard, though, that Celeste Holm passed away (at 95!). I thought about her earlier this year and had meant to find her on IMDB, but I must have gotten distracted and done something else. Her movies were pleasant, but where I really enjoyed her was in Promised Land. A little-known series, but I found it good.

What a difference in letting go of those who knew Jesus and those I only hope knew Him.


"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."   ... Psalm 116:15


My favorite TCM Remembers of all-time is last year's. Though, wow... while watching it again, it seemed like we lost twice as many stars in 2011 as in 2012.

2003 was another favorite montage. I can't believe how many faces were so very recognizable to me.



  1. I loved Promised Land! I keep hoping they will put it out on DVD!!

  2. Anonymous3:13 AM

    I also loved Promised Land. Yes I also hope it comes out on dvd. Or maybe Netflix will have it?? Have you seen the tv version of Going My Way? The movie had Bing Crosby but the tv series had Gene Kelly in his role. It is wonderful. I was very surprised to see it out on dvd. When I watch it I can see where if it was done today the slant of the story would be different as times have changed..but the way life is shown in this show is how I remember life being. It is so refreshing to see.
    Thank you for including the newest TMC Remembers. I always cry through them. As each star is shown it brings back so many memories of wonderful movies they did...and in many also a wonderful life they led.
    Yes when we let go of someone we know knew Jesus the sadness is so different from when we have to say goodbye to someone we only hope knew him... That is what you ment sen't it? Sarah


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