Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just Checking-In

Still here.

Still healing.

Still reading.

Reading a deeply theological, comforting book, you ask?

Nah. My book is comforting, but doesn't even pretend to be spiritual. It's Betty MacDonald's Onions In The Stew and when I finished it an hour ago, I began rereading her The Plague and I. Yes, the book I reread two weeks ago. I need it again, it's perfect for how I'm feeling and I don't care what anybody else thinks I should be reading--these books are truly helping me recover from that horrible Friday and all the other horribleness in the news since then.

Each of us must know what works for us, what helps restore our peace and equilibrium. And then do it, whatever it is. Just do it, even if your Great Aunt Sophie whines that you're being ghoulish or weak. 

These days it's vital that we specifically know our needs so to keep our sanity intact--and never allow anyone to convince us their way of coping is  right, ours, wrong.

Anyway. Did you know that you, too, can read Onions In The Stew online? Yep, I discovered that just today and you don't even need a real kindle or a pretend one like mine. Just go here and start reading for free:

Onions In The Stew

I usually skip over Betty's description of her island's history near the beginning. Oh, and here are my very favorite chapters:

Bringing In The Sheaves (oh my, I love this chapter)
Advice, Anybody?
Adolescence, or Please Keep Imogene Until She Is Thirty
Onions In The Stew

So there you go and here I go back to Debra's World, alone. Well, not alone-alone. But you already knew that.

And may each of us continue to receive healing from the One who gives abundantly.


Psalm 147:3 
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (NIV)

Isaiah 58:8 
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. (NIV)


Oh, and yesterday I found an extremely cool Betty MacDonald slide show. It has lots of  information and assorted links about her family and photos and essays and kept me busy for an hour. (Click on 'Click here to start the slide show'.)

And today (December 30th) I discovered Betty's The Egg and I online, as well. Read it here.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I have been reading some of my Grace Livingston Hill books again just recently. I needed the moral and ethical sweet thoughts they contained. I had been reading deeper books but put them down for now. I also watched a Blondie dvd the other night just to see that sweet child and their sweet home. Much has been going on close to home than what is in the news. We all have our difficulties. Nothing though compares to the heartache in Connecticut. That was and will be the most horrific misery. Yes we are all made by the same God but different all the same. Each needs different things to comfort them, or bring them some semblance of peace. Sarah


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