Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Yes, Good Still Happens

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."   ... Philippians 4:8,9


To me? Those verses explain why lots of Christians are bummed-out. They're concentrating on what's wrong, who's messing-up and how the world is getting pretty scary. Every new disaster, (natural or political or man-with-a-gun-ish), they're camped-out in front of CNN on the couch with a box of kleenex and their comfort donuts, soaking in bad news by the hour. Then they crawl over to their computer and repeat all they've heard on Facebook or in blogs.

And then sink back into the couch and wonder why peace went away years ago. Hmm. Personally, it costs too much to live that way and I can't afford it.

Instead? I'll just ask, did anyone watch Touch at Netflix after I mentioned it? Tom and I saw the entire first season and wow! How refreshing to watch a mega-creative, unique, mind-bending tv show all about helping people. A series created in 2012, even. Yes, 2012. 

They don't make any good tv shows anymore? Check again. It's wild how God walks Tom and me over to great new series/movies nearly every month.

We also love another new show I've mentioned here before--Person of Interest. This one, too, is about rescuing people, but with a grittier edge to it. We're currently watching Netflix discs so to catch up on episodes from Season 1 (this ol' sleepyhead can't make it to 9:00 pm anymore for Season 2). I especially like that, in Real Life, Jim Caviezel speaks to church groups on his weekends.

On Cyber Monday, a woman from our Maud Hart Lovelace email group told us that Lois Lenski's kindle edition books were only $1.50. Just last week I'd experienced another craving for Lenski's books and (again) felt like bopping my head for giving away her books during the Big Move of 2007. Her regional books now, with few exceptions, cost, like, a million dollars (well....), so how wonderful that some were returned to me via kindle. I couldn't stop reading Flood Friday yesterday--and thinking about the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

(I am hanging my head for not coming here Monday and mentioning that Lois Lenski sale. Please forgive me.)

And I've also been recalling how--in the so-called Good Old Days--if you watched an amazing new episode of your favorite tv show, you had to wait months to see it again. And if you missed it during summer re-runs, well, too bad! You just had to be thankful you saw it that one time.

But now, oh... we can watch shows on dvd over and over. Like, this week I got out my Seasons 2 and 3 of The Odd Couple (first time in a couple years) and laughed out loud in delight. How wonderful to have these shows up here in Debra's World available anytime I wish (unlike during those Good Old Days wistful people yearn for).

And perhaps your taste varies from mine in books and tv shows (maybe you don't even like tv), yet we're all surrounded by blessings custom-made for us by the God who can help us "think on these good things". And I'm determined not to turn all negative, all blind to a single blessing so that--when I reach Heaven--I'll be able to thank God for everything. Because I stayed awake to it all.


John 14:27  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

"... but (trust) in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy..."  1 Timothy 6:17


Kristi--thanks so much for letting me know you watched The Artist after I mentioned watching it. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  Wasn't it encouraging that such a morally decent film won so many awards?


Want to know what else is available instantly at Netflix? Here's a list I made awhile ago:  

When You're In The Mood for TV


1 comment:

  1. ......"comfort donuts" did you know? lol.

    I'm going to read the netflix list now. Thanks, Debra.


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