Sunday, October 28, 2012

Waiting. In Peace.

Still here. 

Just puttering, playing hurricane-preparedness, but not in a serious way since we are something like 460 miles inland. 

We're due for 50+ mph winds and lots of rain beginning tomorrow around 5 pm and I already have our groceries, batteries and radio, blah, blah, blah. My candles and matches are ready and after I finish refilling water containers which sat in the basement the past year, I'll call it done, though technically, I'd like Tom to buy some kerosene for the heater we've got stored in the garage.

Basically, I'm staying low-key, peaceful and thinking about other things. Books mostly. Which reminds me--are there any fans of Grace Livingston Hill out there? I just discovered yesterday that has some of her books for your kindle for free. I downloaded 11, began reading The Girl From Montana, and could not stop. Of course, it's not the same as holding one of Grace's ancient hardcover copies in your hands, but it's close enough. For me.

Is this puppy adorable, or what?

A treat from Facebook. I do love that place.

So anyway, all is well here, even with our return to Pea Soup Skies. May you, also, feel the calmness and peace only God can give in the midst of any type of storm.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight."  ... Proverbs 3:5,6

"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth."   ... Psalm 46:10




  1. Debra, After reading her post, I see why you miss kelly! I enjoyed reading those,do you stay in touch with her? Just wondering what her life is like now with a family.

  2. Stay warm and safe, my friend.
    I like the blog at by Ann Voskamp. She sometimes takes my breath away.

  3. Ha ha on me, I see you already follow A Holy Experience which I recommended.

  4. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I thought I had gone to all the bloggers on your blog list...How could I have missed A Holy Experience? Now I know if I had EVER gone there I would not have Forgotten it. ..for sure!! Wow! She has a you do, to share and help us all on our way to be with Him, to stay close to Him and to keep praise for Him,.. in our hearts and voices... .. I don't know of another blog like you are looking for but if I find any others I will certainly let you know. I hope others can assist you in your search. Those who teach also need taught...and filled up again. Sarah


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